4. Competition

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The boys have known (y/n) for a while now, a week to be exact, and I would be lying if I said they haven't grown fond of her. 

It was a sunny Monday morning, and the boys were going to (y/n)'s house. Yeah, they haven't taken her to the Mansion yet, because if there's one thing They've learned, it was that (y/n) had one serious grudge against Slender.

Because of that, they have been very careful when talking about anything Slender-related.

They didn't know why she hates him though.

Anyways, where was I? Oh yes!

The boys were casually walking through the forest, on their way to (y/n)'s house...

"Race ya to (y/n)'s house!" Toby said and ran off.

"No way! I'm gonna be there first!" Hoodie said.

"Bull! I'm faster than both of you!" Masky said.

And they're off. The three Proxies sprinted through the forest, determined to be there first.

They broke through the thick barrier of trees and Masky tackled Toby to the floor, trying to slow him down. Masky stood up and tried to run, but Toby then grabbed his ankle, making him fall flat on his face. Hoodie ran past them, laughing triumphantly, and sprinted over the road. Just as he was about to step off the road, he was hit by truck. Luckily, he was a Creepypasta, so he was just left with a really big bruise.

The boys managed to get up and run to (y/n)'s house, and all three of them collided with the door.

It was locked.

Masky, who was in front, got squashed against the door by Hoodie, who was trapped between Masky and Toby. They untangled themselves from the door an each other and stood on the porch, thinking.

~Hoodie's PoV~

"Maybe she's at school. Or out killing. Didn't she mention something like that?" I said, scratching my head.

"Probably. Can always go heck, right?" Masky said.

I walked off to the direction of (y/n)'s school. At least I remembered that.

"Hey, maybe we should pose as normal guys. I wonder if (y/n) will recognise us." I said after a while.

"What? Did you seriously just say that? Who are you and what did you do to Hoodie?" Masky said.

I snickered. "Oh, come on, Tim. It's basically just acting" I said

"Do you remember the last time we tried acting? Our best friend went nuts and shot you." he said

I stayed silent.

Masky sighed.

"Fine, but if another faceless dude pops up and makes our friend try to kill it, I'm blaming you." he said.

I laughed.

Even though we are insane killers, we are still just a bunchof teens why just want to have fun.

I became aware of the fact that Toby hasn't said anything this entire time. I looked around, searching for the little dude.

Masky noticed and turned as well. Toby wasn't there.


~Toby's PoV~

I wonder why the door is locked...

I walked around the house, looking for a way in. Surprisingly, the back door was unlocked. Either she forgot it, or someone else opened it...

*Gasp!* she could be in trouble!

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