"I know who you are. I'm friends with Niall," she told me with a grin. 

"So I'm guessing you know how he is then," I laughed, running my hand through my hair. 

"He really likes you," she replied. 

"I know. I-- I like him too but sometimes we clash too much and I don't want to sound dramatic but I feel like he's going to get sick of me," I sighed. 

"He won't. Love's boring without conflict," she replied, gazing at me sympathetically. 

I felt my heart stop for a brief moment, suddenly feeling cold. Hearing her say love felt kind of normal to me, which was what scared me.

Why did it feel so natural to hear?

"Oh, we aren't-- I'm not in love," I let out, feeling myself blush. 

"It's okay to admit that you are. It's not going to scare him off." 

It seemed as if she was able to read me and I wondered if it was because she was good at reading people or if I was particularly easy to read. 

Her words continued to flash through my head. Why on earth was she so confident that Niall and I were in love? 

"Look, I don't know him as well as you do, but I know him enough to see that he is so into you that he doesn't know what to do with himself. However you feel about him, I know he's on the same page," she continued when I remained silent. 

My heart was racing, I felt breathless and I wasn't sure if that was a bad thing or not. 

"Well, I have to go. Good luck with him, Harry," she grinned, rising from the bench and heading off, leaving me alone.

Perhaps she had pushed me into the right direction.

Maybe I was beginning to feel more serious about Niall.

Of course, maybe she just made a mistake because she barely even knew me and I was just being stupid and overthinking things.

But I felt like it was more than that.

Was saying that I liked Niall enough for me anymore?

Niall's POV

Some people could say that I was taking the fight Harry and I had way out of proportion. I would say different. To me, it was more than some petty fight that I had with my boyfriend. In my opinion, he was making me seem like some cheating asshole that would fuck someone else without a second thought or a trace of guilt. It kind of felt like he didn't trust me.

He just made me so angry. I was used to Harry pissing me off but this time just felt different. This wasn't him being immature for the sake of making me angry, this was my boyfriend getting mad at me over something that I saw to be insignificant. 

This was one petty fight out of the many that Harry and I would have. I was sure that I was bound to blow up at Harry at least a hundred times throughout our relationship and I was worried that it would get worse, to the point of being too much to handle. 

I was used to blowing things out of proportion. I could be an anxious person at times and this wasn't any different. I couldn't help but worry that we would fight too much and things would simply get too unhealthy for our relationship to progress. 

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