Chapter 7

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It's been 2 whole months since Lucy went on that mission alone and everyone's in chaos right now. "Natsu! You're on my search team!" Erza said, looking annoyed. I nodded and walked over to her with a small sigh. "Natsu!" a high pitched voice wined. I turned around and saw my "girlfriend" Lisanna standing there with a pout on her face. 

 "Do you have to go?" she asked, a look of annoyance on her face. I looked back to Erza and she glared at me. "Yeah, I have to go," I said. "But why?" she asked again. "Because Lucy is part of our guild," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "But she's useless and weak," she whined. I roled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah I know but still. She is part of our guild," I said in annoyance. She sighed and mumbled something but I didn't hear her.

 "Come on Natsu! We're about to leave!" Gray called out to me. I could detect the irritation in his voice, making me roll my eyes. It was only Lucy after all. I picked up my stuff and tossed it over my shoulder. "Natsu, don't go!" Lisanna cried out. Erza glared at Lisanna and me. I looked back at Lisanna and gave her an annoyed look. 

"Come on Lisanna! We've already been through this! I'll come back after this stupid rescue mission," I said, sighing. She pouted and gave me her puppy face. "Nat-zu! Come on," Happy meowed. "Coming, coming!" I yelled back. I turned back to Lisanna. "I have to go. I promise to take you on a date when I get back. okay?" I promised. 

She nodded and giggled. "Alright! Come back fast!" I gave her a quick peck on the lip and ran off to my waiting team mates. We headed out to the train station. "Hello, sir, I would like to buy 4 tickets to Musashitakahagi," Erza said. The train station guy gave Erza the tickets and we left. 

We waited for the train. When it finally came, I felt as if I was already sick. Erza had to force me to go in. "Wendy, can you try to cast a spell on me?" I said feeling sick. "Alright, but it'll wear off quickly." She started casting the spell on me. I felt better. It was working! After a few minutes, I was sick again, but luckily we were almost there.

When we got off the train, we went into the Musashitakahagi Forest. It was spooky looking, but we kept going. "Lucy! Lucy! Where are you?!" Erza called out. I had a feeling that something wasn't right in this forest. Something was moving behind the bushes. A creature jumped out and was heading towards Wendy. "Wendy! Watch out!" I yelled. "Fire Dragon's Roar!" A burst of fire came out through my mouth. It hit my target right on the head and backed away. It whined and ran off.

"Do you think Lucy's in trouble?" Wendy asked, worried. "I believe so. Come on, let's go and find her." Erza said, no demanded. I grumbled. Why do we have to look for her?

It's not like she's important to Fairy Tail anyways. I mean, no one's crying over her. Right? "Hurry up Natsu!" Gray said, annoyed. I rolled my eyes and we made our way deeper into the forest.


I squinted against the bright sun and sat up, groaning. "Where am I?" I asked, taking in my surroundings. It was a small clearing and as far as I could see, there were trees but to my left, there was a waterfall.

"How did I get here?" I wondered. I vaguely remembered. Natsu kicking me out the team. Me going into the forest and meeting a man. I found the plant with the help of the stranger and Loke.

I went back to town and gave the herb in. I noticed that my keys were gone. Wait. My keys! "My keys!" I said outloud, voicing my thoughts. I looked around frantically and sighed when I say them all in my key holder.

I looked up when I saw a dark shadow pass over the clearing. My jaw dropped. A large dragon landed right next to me. It was a blue dragon. Well, all different shades of blue. If she moved the sun would bounce off her scales and the colors was magnificent.

"You finally woke my child."

Guys I'm sorry I didnt update for a long time. Im going through a lot right now. My two friends are super mad at me and they're ignoring me now. Idk what to do. Advice? Anyways....sorry for the late and short update.

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