Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV

I frowned up at the ceiling thinking about her. It's been 2 weeks since Lisanna returned from Edolas. Everyone is paying attention to her. Even Natsu! It feels like I'm being ignored. I rolled over onto my stomach with a sigh. I'm pretty sure they're just trying to catch up for the years they missed. "There's nothing to do!" I shouted to no one in particular. Silence answered and I groaned. "Fine, I'll just go to the guild,"I said. I picked up my whip and keys and headed outside.

I opened the doors of the guild, being ignored as usual for the past 2 weeks. I walked over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools. "I'm so bored,"I said sadly. "Hey Natsu!" I turned around and saw Natsu by the doors of the guild. "Hey Lucy, can I talk to you for a second?" I nodded and got up. I have a funny feeling that this will not turn out well. He led me outside and leaned on a nearby tree. "What is it Natsu?" 

 He seemed nervous and cleared his throat. He looked everywhere but avoided looking at me in the eye. "Erm, Lucy. I have to tell you something,"he said hesitantly I kept my face emotionless. "You'rekickedoutoftheteamandLisanna'sreplacingyou,"he said all in one breath. I looked at him. "Say it slower,"I said to him. "You're kicked out of the team and Lisanna's replacing you." 

I felt my sight get blurry. "Why?!" I screamed at him. He looked at the ground. "You're too weak and plus, Lisanna wants to join the team but you make her uncomfortable." He looked up at me. "You can go train on your own and then come back---" he didn't finish because I slapped him across the face. Hard.  He looked at me in shock and surprise. "YOU KNOW WHAT. I'M NOT GOING TO GO BACK TO THE TEAM. NOT NOW OR EVER! AND  YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT US!" I shouted at him with tears streaming down my face. 

"Lucy, don't be like that. Please reconsider your--" And again he didn't finish. I had slapped him again on his opposite cheek. "I don't want to see you right now,"I whispered. I turned around and ran back to my apartment in tears.

Natsu's POV

I looked at her in shock and surprise. I had never seen her slap anyone and I never thought that I would be the first she would slap. I touched my cheek and flinched at the stinging pain. I slowly walked back into the guild and everyone stared at me. "Natsu! What happened? I heard yelling outside,"Mirajane said, concerned. "Yeah, and what happened to your cheek? It's red,"Gray said. I flinched as I thought about the slaps. Dang. That girl could really slap someone. 

"Well, I might have kicked Lucy off the team,"I said. I heard gasps and a few murmurs. "Really?" Lisanna asked, happily. I nodded. "Yeah. And she rewarded me with two hard slaps across my face,"I mumbled. I looked to Erza and Gray. Let's just say, if looks could kill, I would be 20 feet deep down in the earth. Not even 6 feet. "You did what?" Erza asked, anger flashing through her eyes and she stepped towards me. "How could you Natsu?!" Gray shouted.

Lisanna pouted and stepped forward. "Oh come on guys. She's too weak and besides! You have me on your team! She'll just slow you guys down! She's nothing but a bitch!" Erza did something nobody saw coming. She punched Lisanna right across the face and she flew into a wall. "Lisanna!" Mirajane shouted, rushing over to her.

"What got into you Erza?" I asked. I didn't find anything wrong with what Lisanna said. What she said was very true. Lucy will only slow us down but I didn't think that she was a bitch. Well, maybe for slapping me. "What got into me?! You really want to know?!" She roared dangerously. I nodded. "My problem is that you kicked Lucy out of the team without even telling me or Gray! My problem is that you're her boyfriend yet you hurt her! MY PROBLEM IS THAT YOU'RE OKAY WITH LISANNA CALLING HER A BITCH AND NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!"

I stepped back nervously and swallowed. Maybe kicking her out was the wrong thing to do. I felt a fist collide with my face and I fell backwards with a groan. "What the hell Gray?!" I growled at him. He glared at me and I glared at him back. "I don't know anymore Natsu. You choosing Lisanna over your girlfriend? I don't know anymore Natsu." Gray said. I frowned sadly. "Ex-girlfriend. She broke up with me after I kicked her out."

"Well, I'm proud of her. I wouldn't want to stay with you either. You deserved it."

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