Chapter 40

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Hey everybody!! I'm back!! Sorry that it took so long for this next chapter, but things have been really rough here and it has been so hard to find the time to write and when I do have the free time to write I am way too drained and exhausted, but I have one for you NOW!!! I am so excited for you guys to read this chapter. This book has a few more chapters left. I am soooo sooo grateful for all the votes, comments, etc. I don't think I could ever explain my gratitude. Thank you with ALL of my heart and ALL of my soul. I can't wait for what is coming next! I will be uploading soon, hopefully, so keep your eyes open for that!! I love you guys oh-so much. Enjoy! -Hannah <3


CHAPTER 40: Ethan rushed into the hospital, chest heaving as he looked from left to right. People stared at him, probably due to the fact he looked haggard as hell, but he barely noticed. He barely noticed anything but the worry and heart-ache that grew inside of him. Spotting a receptionist desk, he quickly jogged over to the woman that sat behind the counter.

At his approach, she looked up at him with dull and bored brown eyes.

"How can I help you?" She droned.

"I need to see Alice. Alice Amaro. She was brought in? I need to see her." He said, voice coming out unintentionally sharp.

The woman's eyes flicked to her computer screen as she tapped on her keyboard before her eyes flicked back to him. Ethan felt his fists clench at how slow she was going-making him want to run his hands through his hair in frustration before he realized he had pulled it back.

He wanted-no, needed-to know if Alice was okay.

"Are you family?" She finally asked and his eyes fell shut as he tried to reign in his irritation. "No. I'm her boyfriend." He said, voice coming out a low growl.

She looked back to her computer. "Sorry, unless you are her husband or immediate family members I cannot give out any sensitive information."

Ethan's anger burned hotter, just barely being held back from boiling over as his nostrils flared.

"Just tell me if she is okay!" He said again and she shook her head, again.

"Sorry, sir. No can do." The woman, who's name tag read 'Tabitha' replied.

As if on their own accord, Ethan's fists slammed into the linoleum counter, rattling the many assortment of pens in cups and the picture frame that sat to the left of Tabitha's hand.

She jumped, eyes going wide as Ethan snarled under his breath.

"Tell me where she is!" He almost bellowed. Her hand was inching for the phone, lips drawing down. "Sir, I will call security!" She warned.

"I don't fucking-" he started, but was cut off before he could finish as his name was called from behind him.

Turning as his jaw clenched and unclenched, he found Frank walking towards him. Ethan practically ran over to the other man.

"What do you know? Where is she?" He began to fire off questions left and right, but the other man held up a large hand and Ethan stopped, swallowing hard.

"What happened?" He finally asked in a low, defeated voice.

"As soon as we got here to the hospital, they rushed her away. I don't know much, but they'll come let us know when they can," Frank said, lips drawn.  "I got to her. I still don't know if I was just in time or if I was too late..." He finished, shaking his head slightly.

It was only then that the fogged cleared Ethan's head enough for him to really take in the sight of Frank.

The other man's shoulders were slumped as if he had fought something greatly, his jaw set in a sharp and grim line.

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