Chapter 25

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Hi everybody! I've got a new chapter for you all! I've been trying to keep up with the writing and updates as much as I possibly can, but it is hard because my health, unfortunately, has been declining. But, writing is my escape. It helps me get away from the pain and how uncomfortable I am, but it does suck because usually-I don't have an ounce of energy. But! I love where I am going with this book and I hope and pray that you like it as well. I'm so excited for what I have got in store for Alice and Ethan. I'm shutting up now. Enjoy! I love you. -Hannah xx


CHAPTER 25: Alice jogged down and away from the steps that led to her last class of the day, which she had just finished. Everything had gone well today, starting with the sweetest message from Ethan. Lately, every day he would have been there, greeting her with breakfast or waking up next to her, but sadly Ethan hadn't been able to spend the night-or greet her with delicious smelling pastries. Her brow furrowed in silent confusion as she walked to her car, grappling in the bag for her keys. It was odd. Ethan usually was with her whenever she was done with her classes, whether it was at his office or his apartment or her dorm room-which she avoided at most costs. One reason being that she wouldn't hear the end of it from her dorm mates but the second was because it was where Cecily had been killed.

It was where Cecily had lost her life, lost the ability to voice her thoughts, dreams and desires along with her ability to do any of them. It wasn't fair if Alice got to have her boyfriend there with her, cuddling in bed and nuzzling her neck with his arms wrapped tightly around her as if he had no intention of ever letting her go.

Cecily couldn't have that.

Cecily would never be able to have that.

So, if she did sleep at her dorm house, she slept on the couch-which she had done last night since Ethan had suddenly told her he had a surprise meeting. She was weary and suspicious.

She didn't think that Ethan was hiding something from her.


She knew Ethan was hiding something from her and by the way he was acting he did not want her to ask any question or get any answers.

Her muscles were stiff, back and joints aching as she hauled herself into the car. God, you would think with such a nice dorm house they'd be able to afford a couch that wasn't like a bed of rocks. Her phone dinged and she jumped, then shook her head at her silliness.

Starting her car before she turned to grab her phone from the bag in the passenger seat, Alice pulled out her phone and found a message from Ethan. Instantly, she smiled and felt her heart give a happy stutter.

Opening the message, Alice bit her lip.

It was from Ethan and he was telling her that he could only talk for a second but he wanted to make sure she was okay.

As she was typing her next reply her phone dinged with yet another message from Ethan. This one a question.

"Have you eaten?"

As if on cue, Alice's stomach gave an angry roar, demanding food.

She winced as she looked at the dashboard clock. A quarter to four. No wonder she felt so shaky. She fired off a text to him, telling him that she was fine and that she was headed to get lunch now and even felt as brave as to ask him what he was doing.

As she suspected, he deflected the question, telling her to eat and eat as soon as possible and that needed to hurry back to his office to be safe. She replied, quickly and simply. Telling him she was a grown adult and that she was fine, but she would follow his demands. She was setting her phone back down to put the car in drive when her phone gave another ding.

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