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I decided to get ALOT done, so I really hope you enjoy..! Thank you SO SO SO SO SO much for reading. I can't tell you how much it means to just know that people are even reading my stories. This is just a short chapter, so read the one after this! Thank you, so much. ENJOY!! I love you guys -Hannah <33


UNKNOWN POV: He lurked in the darkness, his eyes taking in everything- the way a cat stalks out its prey-taking everything in and not leaving a single thing unnoticed by his cruelty kissed gaze.

It was his night again-finally and his blood hummed through his body, a symphony of his excitement at the prospect of the hunt and then...the kill.

The cold air washed over his skin in a frigid caress, but he didn't notice it due to the heat pulsing in his body at the thought-the knowledge he was this close to getting the wash of power and control he always needed-yearned for in every waking moment until that time he finally, wonderfully...got what he wanted.

He watched the people at the line outside of the building, laughing and completely oblivious to the danger that lurked so close just waiting in the shadows.

He ran his fingers over the rough surface of the brick wall behind him as his gaze latched on to two girls getting out of a taxi.

One had long red hair, the other long silky black hair perfect for clenching in his fists.

The girl with red hair had eyes that sparkled with excitement and anticipation-something similar to his except without the malice he knew lurked behind his own.

He let his gaze wander back to the other girl.

She was gorgeous.

The type of girl that could make a man whimper with want at the sight of her pouting and perfect lips or her sparkling blue eyes that glimmered in the moonlight with hesitation, wonder and apprehension as she looked around her.

His eyes narrowed as anger pulsed at him, pushed him until his whole body was coiled tightly, wanting-needing to strike.

He was sure she was like all of the others-using her innocent eyes to get what she wanted.

Something stopped him, though.

She was different than the others-entirely different from the red head standing next to her.

He smiled slowly and let his gaze run up the sexy redhead.

He knew what he was going to do and he couldn't wait.

Stepping out of the shadows, he let his hunt begin...


Told ya! Short chapter! Just wanted to do a quick chappy. I hope you liked! I have been working really hard and I really hope you enjoyed. There is more to come so you just wait!! AHH! Keep tuned..! ;D VOTE. COMMENT. FOLLOW. SHARE. I love you all! -Hannah <33

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