Chapter 14

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Hello everyone! I am so sorry I haven't been able to update for so long. I have been extremely sick and I was just diagnosed with another disease. It has been really rough but I haven't forgotten about you, or Alice and Ethan. So here is a newer, LONGER, chapter that I hope with all my heart that you enjoy. I love you all! By the way, this song is amazing and it is the song for this chapter!! VOTE. COMMENT. FOLLOW. SHARE. Love, Hannah. <3


CHAPTER 14: Alice woke to the sunlight streaming in through her windows, bathing her dorm room in a wash of morning golden glow. She flipped onto her back, barely feeling her tank top slip up her sides as her mind wandered to the night before. Well, she had done it. She had gone on a date with Tony and it wasn't completely miserable. Okay, it wasn't amazing either, but what did that matter? Of course, then she thought of Ethan Carter and she bit her lip. Her body heated at the way she remembered his stormy gaze as he left the restaurant. It confused her, enticed her, and frustrated her all at the same time and she didn't get it. Why did her body react the way it did when she was around Ethan instead of reacting the way she wanted it to with Tony.

Tony was just as desirable as Ethan was with his dark good looks, charming boyish personality-it all should have gotten a flicker of something but it-he, Tony-just didn't.

She groaned out loud and sat up, running a hand through her snarled locks as she grimaced.

She wanted her body to just stop and forget its reaction or whatever it was to Ethan Carter, but she noticed that as time went on it just wasn't going to happen for her. She slung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood as she pulled on her silk robe and began to pace.

Okay. That night, the night that Cecily had died, Alice had tried to live and Cecily had tried to get Alice to live as well. She remembered Cecily talking about all of her previous adventures and as Alice paced she realized that she hadn't even done a fourth of what Cecily had done in her lifetime and they were at the same age. Alice's time could be up at any moment and she wouldn't even know it.

She was sure that Cecily didn't know that she was going to die that night, but even so, Cecily had lived a big part of her life and Alice hadn't. That was one of the reasons why Alice was so confused as to why it wasn't her that night that died. Why hadn't it been her-the one with the less amount of friends and experiences and less amount of memories to share who had died instead of Cecily when Cecily had all of that to share?

Alice learned if she hadn't known it already that night that life was undoubtedly short and her time could be up at any moment so why spend her time wasting it on denying something that seemed so wonderful and felt so right?

She couldn't just spend the rest of her time lying not only to herself but too Ethan as well, when she could be enjoying herself beyond belief. Her lips curled into a smile as she began to think.

All signs she could see pointed to that Ethan was attracted to her just as much as she was to him but she also noticed a certain reluctance there as well so she needed to play this smart-safe. Alice spun as an excited smile flitted over her lips.

She turned on some music as she sat down in front of the mirror to begin putting on some makeup. Light foundation, bronzer for her cheekbones-contouring as Cecily and Layla had called it. A tint of blush on her cheeks and some rose toned eyeshadows to deepen the blue in her eyes. She was going for a sexy sultry look. Once done she picked a nude lipstick and went over to the closet to pick her most flattering dark blue jeans and a sheer chiffon black blouse with embellished gold buttons and a lace bra underneath.

She wasn't going to get dressed just yet, but when she did she was going to do it right. Yes, it was her first attempt ever at seducing a man but she had watched enough movies and heard Sydney talking about it enough times that she was sure she could do it. Right? Well, at least she hoped. She was just beginning to fix her hair up into her trademark clip when she decided to leave it down in a leap of faith.

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