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To be honest, you have always been the jealous type. You knew it even when you didn't date so many guys to realize it. You just thought how angry you'd get if someone tried to flirt with your boyfriend.

Before Niall, you didn't have a lot of experience with relationships and trust was something you didn't deal so great with. It took some time for Niall to gain your trust even though he hasn't done anything where he lost your trust. It came out of a habit for you for not fully trusting just anybody. And sure, Niall was famous but that didn't give him faster access to your personal life and feelings. But because Niall was famous, you really had to be careful.

You and Niall have been dating for over 7 months now and the relationship has build up to a good potential and you couldn't imagine spending your time with anyone else but him. Sure there were ups and downs in the relationship, a recent event actually took place where the relationship got a new test to prove if you're actually strong enough to go through anything.

Niall suggested you both go out to a club with some of his friends since you are in LA with him during the break. You turned down the offer at first because you weren't one for clubs, surrounded by drunk sweaty people and music where you can't even get a beat to dance to. But after many pleads from Niall, you couldn't resist his blue eyes and cute pout. You could use a night out but that didn't mean you're going to drink. If Niall wants to go out with his friends and asks you to come with, you'd definitely join because you didn't come to LA for nothing.

Since you both decided to go casual, Niall just had to compliment you because honestly, he hasn't seen a woman more beautiful than you. He's falling hard but he knows you don't commit just easily, there were many days where he had to stop himself from saying "I love you" because for you, those three words were really a big thing. Of course you love Niall, more than anything and anyone but you're just afraid if giving you're all to him and you could loose him just as fast. That's one of your fears; Niall finding someone else and leaving you. Everyone tells you that he would never do that, you can't help but think. Even though Niall has showed many, many times that he is dedicated to you and you only.

Soon enough, you both arrive at the club. It was easy getting in but it won't be easy getting out once someone has spread the rumor that Niall Horan is here.

Once inside, Niall spotted his friends and led you to their booth with your hands intwined since you got out of the car.

"Ahh! Niall lad! Good to see ya. The lady is lookin nice tonight." Deo greeted Niall and so did you afterwards. You greeted everyone in the group and spend most of the time talking and drinking.

You have been here over two hours and you really needed to use the bathroom. You stood up from the booth, which made Niall stand up too.

"Where you goin' babe?" He asked touching your elbow.

"I really, like REALLY need the bathroom or else I'll explode!" You said and you both chuckled.

"Okay well I'll walk with you till you're inside and I'll get us something to drink?"

"You don't have to walk until I'm inside, you know?" You smirked.

"Are you kidding? Have you seen the guy here? They can easily go inside after you and do something. I don't even wanna think about it but anyway, let's go. I'll tell Martin to keep an eye on the door while I'm at the bar, yeah?" You nodded and walked in front of Niall, almost leading him. To be honest, it kinda looked like you're leading him into the bathroom because at first he didn't want to let you go before he gets a kiss. You gave up and kissed him passionately before you turned around, giving Niall access to playfully smack your bum. Niall then looked at Martin from the booth a few feet away to give him the signal to keep an eye. He then made his way to the bar to order your drinks.

Niall Horan Imagines❤ Part 2Where stories live. Discover now