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OMG MADE IN THE A.M IS OUT AND I FUCKING LOVE "NEVER ENOUGH" !!!!!!!!!!!! okay continue...


"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST CLEAR THE RUMORS NIALL?" You yell as you pased around the kitchen with your head in your hands. Niall's cheeks were flushed from the anger inside of him.

"WHY DON'T YOU FOR ONCE TRUST ME?" He yells back pointing a finger at you. He is beyond mad and so were you because he won't deny or confirm a recent rumor of him and a "mysterious girl" kissing at an after party from one of his friends. You couldn't go that day because you had some work to get done, so Niall went alone without you after you told him he should go because at first he didn't want to go alone.

"BECAUSE WITH THE LIFESTYLE YOU HAVE, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING WITHOUT ME KNOWING!" You yell back at him and stopped pasing around the kitchen. You were honestly so tired of this argument that happened 30 minutes ago and it was still going nowhere and your heart broke every second when Niall didn't even deny or confirm anything.

"You know what? Maybe when I don't tell you half of the things I'm doing is because you ALWAYS want to know what I'm doing! I swear my life was better before I met you because I could've done things on my own without having to tell someone!" He yells. That broke the second last piece of your heart and Niall didn't even take back what he was saying.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You opened them again to look at Niall. He still had his flushed cheeks and his eyes were cold staring back at you.

"All I want to know is if the rumors are true. Did you kiss the girl or not, Niall?" You asked calmly. A sign of hurt in your voice were hearable.

Niall sighs and brushed his hands over his face. He leaned against the kitchen table with his arms crossed as he looks at you.

"Yes I did ki-"

"Why did you kiss her?" You instantly asked.

"God damnit Y/N! I was drunk! What am I suppose to say?" He yells again. Yep, this argument is still not going anywhere.

"You have a lame excuse for being drunk!" You let a few tears fall down.

"You know I can't control things when I'm drunk, Y/N!!" He yells again. God can he just stop yelling?

"It's okay Niall, you were drunk. Completely understandable." And with that you wiped off your tears and brushed past Niall to go upstairs.

All you could've done was just lay in bed and cry yourself to sleep, not having the energy to pack your things and leave. That can be done tomorrow. So with silent tears, you fell asleep.

-2:45 a.m-

The time you woke up from a crash downstairs somewhere. You saw the side of your bed unmade meaning Niall had the urge to sleep next to you after he kissed another girl, leaving you heartbroken.

You quietly walked down the stairs and sat down as you saw the kitchen where Niall stood. From the angle you sat, he wouldn't see you but you clearly can see him.

He was gripping the kitchen table while he cried as hard as he could.  He then grabbed a vase and threw it against the wall which made you jump a little.

"GOD WHY? WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY  WHY?!" He looked up at the ceiling and you could see his red eyes and stained cheeks. You felt bad for him but didn't know what to do. He would yell at you for being too clingy but he needed someone now. You sat still just looking at his actions.

Niall Horan Imagines❤ Part 2Where stories live. Discover now