He's getting married

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Today is the day. The day your very good friend, Niall, is getting married. Not to you thought, unfortunately.

You always had something for Niall since you became friends a few years ago. You loved him, to say the least. You loved him since the beginning but he was too blind to see. So you just went on with life as best friends.

The first time he told you he had a girlfriend, you felt replaced, heartbroken and alone. But the worst part was when a few years later, he proposed to her and finally today he and his soon-to-be wife is getting married.

Last night you got no sleep, you were one of his fiance's bridemaids because you were friends with her also. You couldn't sleep and had the urge to go to his hotel room not so far from yours, and to tell him how you felt before it's too late. But you couldn't. You couldn't hurt her and you couldn't hurt the one you loved.

So, you were putting on your dress, curled your hair, applied some make up and put on your heels. You took one look before going to his room.

"Ugh!" You hear him groan in frustration and quickly opened the door. "Need some help, Ni?" You ask.

He turned around by surprise but he smiled at you. "I can't even tie my own tie, I'm so nervous." You both laugh quietly. "Here, let me help." You walked up to him and helped with his tie.

"You look beautiful." He said as you poke your tongue out in concentration. You look up and smiled. "Thanks. You look really handsome. She's a lucky girl, Niall." You were done tying his tie and helped him with his jacket. "I know, I'm awesome" He joked making you chuckle. "Done" You smile.

He walked back to the mirror and fixed his hair as you look outside the hotel. "You know, I'm actually scared." He said suddenly. You look back at him confused, not saying anything so he just continued. "I'm scared I would back out, ya know."

"It's not too late to do that." You admit. He looked at you surprised. "You're suppose to tell me that I shouldn't and that I shouldn't be scared to marry the love of my life." He walked towards you. "I could, but I don't want to lie." You say as you looked at him.

"What?" "Niall, you shouldn't marry her." You pleed. "Why not?" "Because.... Because I-I love you" You say and Niall stands shocked at what you just said.

"I loved you the day I met you. It sounds crazy but it's true. I, I was just scared you wouldn't feel the same so I just pushed it aside and look what happened when I did it. I lost you."

"Y/n I don't think it's the right time to say that. You know I love her."

"No you don't! You never did!" You yell at him.

"Then why do you think I asked her to marry me if I didn't love her!?" He yelled back.

"I just can't believe you never saw how I felt about you" You say softly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't, I could've done something about it..." Niall gave you a hug. "I loved you since day one too." He whispered in your ear as you still hugged. You pulled back to look into his eyes.

"But..." He looks at the floor. "It's too late? Yeah, I know" You pushed him back and looked disappointed.

"Can I?" He asked after a moment, still standing close to each other and you looked confused. "Can you what?" You ask as he took your hand in his.

"Kiss you?" He asked shyly. You were stunned and just nodded. He got closer and closer to you and gently kissed your plump lips. You kissed back. Butterflies in your stomach as your lips moved in sync. Finally getting to kiss him made you happy. The kiss was long and passionate. Niall pulled away after a while and nuzzled his head in your shoulder. "I'm sorry." Was the last thing he said before grabbing his things and walking out to meet the rest of the lads and getting ready to get married, leaving you heartbroken in his hotelroom...



Okay before you all stab and attack me with you pitch forks and fireballs, I had a very good reason to not update this whole month...

#1: It was exams and I thought I did good but HAHA I unfortunately didn't... And #2: I'm on vacation in South Africa (Cape Town).


If you want a PART 2 , vote and comment on this imagine. If I get enough votes and comments, the next update will be the part 2. The sooner you comment and vote, the sooner you get a part 2.

Hope you loves enjoyed this imagine. Thanks for reading xx

Stay beautiful xxxxxx

Niall Horan Imagines❤ Part 2Where stories live. Discover now