Dirty Imagine (Beware!)

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He wasn’t your boyfriend, not quite your friend either. He was just a young man you happend to have some common Friends with.

You can still remember the first time you saw him at that  get together he threw at his appartment. You remember walking in and seeing him with a beer in his hand , leaning on a Wall, hitting on some girl with a cheap slutty dress that made her tits look  unecessarily big.

As a matter of fact you realised how Niall kept staring at them the whole time they were chatting, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was actually listening to her or just counting the seconds until he could finally take her to his room and do as he pleased with her body.

You smiled to yourself, internally proud of discovering a player in his zone, trying to hide the attraction you actually felt behind the fact that he was probably a dickhead.

I mean, you’d seen him on TV before, read about him in The Sun and you didn’t buy for a second the happy irish chap  deal: you could see it in his smile, in the way his eyes seemed to sparkle with adrenaline while he was grinding against the girl, whispering god knows what to her hear : he was no saint, for all you knew he was most likely some twisted prick with incredible looks.

His bleached blond hair to the side,  dressed with a simple tank top and some skinny jeans he still gave the impression of a guy that would spend the money you earn in two months on a pair of jeans and some custom sneakers.


People like that repulsed you, but for some reason you wanted to try and talk to him, maybe get infutuated like the bimbo he was now walking away with.

“Niall!” your friend shouted. You felt your blood freeze as he turned around and your eyes met. Your heart started racing and you couldn’t even explain it.

He had such an effect on you and you didn’t even know the lad.

Is this how most fangirls felt when they saw him up on a stage? Do their legs shake like yours? He is just a boy like any other with daunting eyes, agreed, but a boy  like any other after all.

“Hello (Y/F/N), glad you could make it, there’s loads to drink in the kitchen, please help yourself” he said, tightly squizzing the girl’s ass.

She had a big smile on her face, she even seemed flattered by his attitude.

“Thanks man, this is my friend (Y/N), we’ve known eachother for a long time, I thought it was about time I showed her how you party” your friend replied, giving you a cheeky look

“Well nice to meet you (Y/N), how are you liking it so far?” Niall asked, looking straight into my eyes.

“Am.. Hello I mean Hi it’s nice to finally meet you, I mean not that i’ve heard much about you but yeh. I mean you know.. hi” you said nervously, blushing like a little 13 years old in front of her crush.

You were making a fool out of yuourself, great.

“Do I make you nervous babe? “ he scoffed with a smile on his pale face, quickly scanning your body

“Well as much as I like toying with shy  kids like you, I have something to take care of, if you know what I mean” he said  looking back at his stunning catch of the night and then winking at you

And just like that , he was gone.

You couldn’t believe it, he humilliated you. He was indeed a cunt and you felt even more embarassed now to feel attracted to his looks and the way he moved when he barely aknowledge you and the only reason he did was to mock you.

Niall Horan Imagines❤ Part 2Where stories live. Discover now