Winter Cabin - Part 4

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When you lifted your heavy lids, the space where Niall occupied was empty. Despairingly, you reached over to the pillow and instead of feeling warmth, only felt coldness. Had he left you at some point during the night?

Groaning, you dropped your face into your pillow. How could you have been so ridiculous? There was no way he could have been feeling what you felt. If he had felt what you'd been feeling...

"You're awake."

His voice had you lifting your head from the pillow, hair falling into your eyes. He chuckled, ducking down to meet your gaze. In his hands were two mugs of steaming hot tea and he offered one to you.

"Thanks," you croaked, wondering how long he'd been standing there.

"Breakfast is on." He sat on the end of the couch and watched you brush your hair out of your eyes. Curling both hands around your mug, you took a tentative sip. Niall, somehow or other, made the world's best cup of tea.

He studied you for a moment, the image of your sleepy arms reaching for him stuck in his mind on a loop. He thought back to last night, the look on your face when he pressed your hands to his lips to breathe on them. In that moment, your eyes confirmed everything he'd been asking himself for months. You felt it. You felt what he felt and he hardly knew what to do with himself.

"Sleep okay?" you asked, needing some sort of noise to fill such an intimate silence.

"Like a baby," he smiled, sipping his tea. "You?"

"Yeah, slept great."

He hid his smile behind his mug. Damn, you were so cute and so fucking shy it nearly destroyed him, He offered his hand to you and pulled you to your feet.

"Good, because you'll need that energy to chop wood today."

When he pushed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of you, you greedily gulped it down. You couldn't wait to get outside and do something with the frenzy of energy inside you because it was either chop wood or kiss Niall, and at the time, the sharp axe seemed like the safer option of the two.


"You put your hands like this," he explained, gripping the handle of the axe. "You want to have some distance between the two so you have better control of the axe. Watch." He waved you back and raised the axe over his head. With a grunt, he swung it down and splintered the log in half and sending the pieces flying.

"Jesus Christ," you muttered, hands pressed to your eyes.

Out of breath and full of charm, Niall handed the axe to you. "Think you can handle it?"

The insinuation in his words didn't go unnoticed past you. He wasn't talking about chopping wood anymore.

You didn't answer him as you took the axe from his hand and brushed past him. You grabbed a fresh log and put it on the stand. Spreading your hands out like he showed you, you brought the axe down. It split the log into pieces on the first try and fell lamely to the side.

"Damn, alright. Maybe you were a lumberjack in another life."

You made no comment as he put another piece before you. You continued to chop through the wood, movements becoming more desperate as you went. Your breathing was ragged, jerky, panicked and tears blinded your eyes for some unknown reason. Did he know? Was he teasing you because he knew what you felt or him?

On a near yell, you split the last log into pieces and dropped the axe. You stalked back inside ripping your gloves off as you went.

"What's wrong?" he asked, chasing you down and into the house.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong," you said brusquely.

"You won't even look at me, what happened?" He grabbed your arm and spun you around and froze at the expression on your face.

You looked so damn hurt, so damn broken down that it took the breath out of his lungs. Had he caused this? He replayed the things he'd said, the things he'd done and couldn't come up with anything he did wrong.

"I'm going to take a shower." You pulled your arm away from his hand and dashed up the stairs.

He stared at the empty stair case for a long moment, hands on his hips. There'd been a lot of things Niall didn't tell you, a lot of things he kept beneath the surface. You'd always had a teasing relationship together and today was the first time he saw it causing any distress. He knew what you felt, it was in your eyes and in your hands and in the curve of your body as he pulled you to him last night. Had he been indelicate to such a precious heart?

Left to his own thoughts, he moved back outside to gather the wood you had destroyed.


Okay, I know this one's short don't attack me now BUT the next part is my absolute favourite of the whole Imagine ! The next part is the last part and that part made me cry for days and made me feel so lonely but yet I fucking read it all day every day.

So 20 votes for this part to get the last emotional part up :)

Thanks for reading and voting x

- J x

Niall Horan Imagines❤ Part 2Where stories live. Discover now