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“No more flower crowns!" Maddie said sternly. She was a peppy crescent power who had the ability to grow plants. She had a short brown hair styled in a bob.

"Pleeeeease!" Jenna begged. Jenna was Maddie's best friend. Also a crescent power except she could turn invisible. Christina, Maddie, Jenna and I all sat at the same table for lunch.

"No and that's that!" We all had on freshly made flower crowns because Maddie made a whole bunch of flowers. Mine had small white flowers, Christina's had orange, Jenna's had purple, and Maddie's was made from small red roses.

"No I've already made 4 and my hands are sore!" She complained.

"You guys are dumb." Christina adds.

"Like you guys don't bicker," Jenna says.

"Well we do," I start. "But," I point to Danie-I mean Christina, "I usually have to explain why she's wrong."

"HEY!" she shoves my shoulder playfully making steam rise from the difference in our temperatures. "Not funny."

"Correct it's not funny it's truuuuu," I say with a dab willing my blue had forward and back again.

"Please never do that again," Maddie says.

"Let her be," says a laid back Jenna who also dabs.

"We will actually leave," Christina adds.

"Do it, you won't" I dab again. They both roll their eyes.

"Why am I friends with you?" Christina complains.

"Because I'm what some people call...."

"Don't you dare sa-"

"Cool," I smirk and lean back in my chair.

"Woooow," Maddie comments. "you're worse than Jenna."

"What does Jenna do?" Asks Christina. Christina and I turn to face Jenna waiting for her to do something.

"Hehe," she giggles quite a bit. "You can't see me," she waves her hand across her face as she disappears and reappears again. Christina and I can't contain our laughter. Tears actually form. (Which kind of hurts because they are literally freezing)

"Hey! Don't encourage her!"

"Oh come on Maddie lighten up," Jenna knocks into her from the side slowly becoming fully visible again. Just then the end of lunch bell rings. We all groan and grab our backpacks.

“By guys,” I say to Maddie and Jenna.

“See you tomorrow.” adds Danielle.

“Bye,” they both wave and walk the opposite direction of us.

“I can’t believe it’s only 3 more days until spring break I’m so excited to see my Dad’s again,” I say jumping a tiny bit.

“Dude same I’ve been texting my parents and they said they have a surprise for me so I’m sooo excited.”

“I just want to play some video games and eat pizza and i’ll be happy.” I add.

“Honestly same though. I hope we’ll have time to go see a movie or something I’ve been dieing not being able to leave campus.” she replies.

“Right? Omg but also having a break from training. Ugh Dean has been such a freaking debbie downer like I can’t even.”

“That sucks. Chris has been so great teaching more techniques and stuff.”

“Really? We’ve done technique and stuff but he’s really only been focused on working out and stuff. It’s so dumb.” right about now we reach the door into the class and we have to separate since our seats aren’t next to each other.

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