Chapter 17

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Heather's P.O.V.

"Brandon there's kids here, now stop it!" I laughed, pushing his hands away from my bikini straps. "But your so damn sexy baby, I just can't help myself."

He pouted. "Please." he whined, tugging on the strings that kept my bikini bottoms on. The smirk on his face said it all. "Brandon don't you dar-" Before I could finish my sentence, he had already pulled the strings, making my bikini bottoms come untied. I gasped as he suddenly and swiftly dived under the ocean water and pulled my bikini bottoms down and off of my legs. He rose from the water, twirling them in his hand.

"Brandon, there's freaking six year olds here, give them back!" I demanded, holding back a smile. He's just too damn cute. "Come on baby, learn to live." He smirked as he brought his arm back and slung my bikini bottoms out into the deep blue ocean water, yards away.

My eyes bulged and my mouth fell open. No he didn't. "You did not just throw my bikini bottoms out in the ocean so I can't get them." I scolded. "What are you gonna do about it?" He teased. I immediately lunged for him and he practically flew out of the water and onto the beach, smirking. I was about to go after him, but then I remembered, I wasn't wearing my bottoms. I stopped just enough to where I was covered by the water. "Hey, I'm going to get us some drinks baby, don't go anywhere." He winked. I sighed.

A wave rolled in, nearly knocking me over. I then saw black cloth out of the corner of my eyes and tuned towards it. It was my bottoms!! I quickly slipped them on and double knotted it. Oh thank God and the holy ghosts and the virgin Mary, all of them!

Just then a Nerf football hit me in the head. I quickly grabbed it and turned to where the person who threw it was. They were all smiling and trying not to laugh. One of the guys came running towards me. He had dirty blond hair that swooped over his eyes, and a killer surfers tan. His body was built but not as great as Brandon's. In other words, he's pretty good looking. He looked about nineteen, maybe twenty, and so did hiss friends.

"Hey, I'm sorry, my friends thought it'd be funny if they hit you with the football." He said, checking me out, as much as he could see any way. "Which one of you threw it?" I asked. His eyes were locked on my chest. "Uhh. um, the uh the brown headed one with the red swim trunks." He stuttered, not able to take his eyes away from my breasts.

"My eyes are up here." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I know." He said still looking at my boobs. "That means stop checking me out." It's hard not to." He said coming closer. It was almost dark, and Brandon still wasn't back. Most of everybody had cleared off the beach except for the guy in front of me and his friends that were starting to run over here. "Here's your ball back." I said shoving the ball into his arms and started leaving the water in search for Brandon. Just as my feet hit the sand was the second all of his friends had reached me.

"Hey girl, where do you think your going?" The one with black hair said. "We haven't even introduced ourselves yet?" He laughed. There was five of them, all with decent builds, and all of them were cute, so what are they doing? "I'm Blake" Said the one with brown hair and red swim trunks. "I'm Eric," the blond one I was talking to earlier said, "that's Alex," he pointed to one with black hair, "that's Josh," he pointed to the one with red hair, "and that's Connor." He finished, pointing to another one with blond hair.

"Bye." I said nervously as I attempted to walk away. I knew if it came down to it, I couldn't take these five guys on my own. They were too well built and there was way too many of them. I had no weapons with me, I was only in a bikini. "Hey, come back here." Eric demanded, grabbing my wrist, and pulling me to his chest. "Get off me!" I said, trying to pull away. One of my wrists slipped from his strong hands and I did what came to mind. I quickly pulled back my arm and punched him in the face.

He immediately drop my hand and started running towards some of the rocks that stack up messily about twenty to thirty feet. "What are you fucking standing around here for?! Go catch her damn it, we'll teach her a damn lesson!" Eric yelled. I heard loud foot steps behind me and I tried running faster to get in the cover of the rock paths that were naturally there.

I quickly sprinted in through the spaces of the rocks. The winding path go deeper and deeper into rocks. The sky was completely black besides the moon shining through the cracks in the huge boulders. I pressed my back against a rock and slid down it, pulling my knees to my chest, trying to calm my rapid breathing.

I stood back up, my legs shaking tiredly. I full out sprinted here. Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, and slammed me into a rock. My arm blocked most of the impact, but I hit my head on the rock under me when I last my balance and fell. I whimpered the tiniest bit and looked up at my attacker. Eric. "Don't think you can get away from me that easily do you now?" He asked amused. "Fuck you." I spat. "Gladly." He smirked, pulling me up harshly. I quickly reacted, kicking him in his leg.

He stumbled slightly but regained his balance, grabbed my arm and slammed me into a rock. I whimpered silently and was turned around. He punched me hard in the face, and my head slammed into the rock behind, making circles appear in my vision till everything disappeared and I was pulled into a black abbis.

Important note:

Long time and I haven't written.... Well I have writers block,but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop writing. The next few chapters might....not be the greatest, but I promise I will try to over come this damn writers block and soon enough, be done with it. Guys I love writing so much, I would have never even started writing if it wasn't for TeenagerWolf, so thank you all for the support!! **** _OH! One more important thing, if you have any suggestions or ideas on what you think should happen next, send me a private message and the one I like the best, I'll make happen, and I'll dedicate the chapter to ya!_****



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