Chapter 13

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Brandon's P.O.V.

Blood was everywhere. Heather was unconscious. "We have to get her to a hospital, she's in extremely bad condition!" Tyler yelled frantically. "No! We cant, it'll blow our cover. I know you can fix her." I yelled back, panicking. "We have to take her to the underground medical room now!" Tyler yelled. I picked Heather up gently and ran down, and opened the hidden entrance to the underground medical room. "What the fuck are you doing!" Jake yelled, as Tyler was by my side ready to help. I layed her down on the hospital bed. Tyler hooked her up to the machines and began working. He placed the x-ray above her and shut the lights off. She had two broken ribs, cuts and gashes everywhere. Her hand and nose was broken, and she had bruises that covered her. After the x-ray, she began to wake up. Tears instantly fell down her cheeks and she let out little whimpers of pain. I was by her side in a matter of seconds, Tyler, Derek, and Jake followed. Her eyes were wide with fear and pain. Her hand shot to her stomach as she cried in pain. "Heather? Your going to be okay, Tyler's going to help you okay?" I asked her gently as she grabbed my hand with the one that wasn't broken and held on tightly. As Tyler started working on her, her grip tightened around my hand. When he was finished with her stomach area, he moved to put a cast on her hand. When he was done with that, he moved to her nose. "This is going to hurt, but I need you not to move okay?" Tyler asked Heather. She nodded and he put his fingers on each side of her nose, about to put it back into place. She winced at contact. In one swift motion, her nose was back into place, and she let out a loud whimper. I picked her up easily and brought her to my room and layed her onto my bed. I stared down at her pain filled face. As I stared at her peaceful, sleeping face, I wondered why I actually cared about her. She should be like every other girl, but she not, she's not like Emily. That bitch had ruined everything for me. Heather is nothing like Emily, so why am I pushing her away? She has done nothing wrong. Before I could process what I was doing, I brought my lips down to Heathers. She moved for a little bit, and her eyes flung open. I pulled away from her, as soon as she woke up. My eyes were wide with shock and regret. If I didn't kiss her, then she wouldn't be looking at me like that. I really like her, why couldn't I just show her. You know what, screw it! I brought my face back down to hers slowly, giving her a chance to pull away, but she didn't. Once our lips met, she immediately reacted and kissed back. It wasn't like kissing one of my one-night stands, it felt almost magical. Just being with her puts me in a better mood. Electric shocks spread through-out my body as I kissed her. Again, nothing like Emily. I couldn't help but compare her to Emily. When she pulled away reluctantly, she looked up to me in shock. Here it goes Brandon, tell her. Tell her right now! Tell her how you feel about her Brandon!! Tell her you love her! My thoughts screamed at me. It was like my voice was stuck in my throat, and would let the words flow out of my mouth. I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. I reopened my eyes and said, "You got me head over heels for you, and I don't even know how." I continued, "I... I think I maybe i-i-in love with you Heather. I just can't get enough of you." I voiced my thoughts as I looked straight into her beautiful eyes. "Will um, you go, um, out with me? No wait, will you be my girl friend?" I stuttered. I looked into her wide eyes as she stared at me in shock. She hadn't said anything yet, and I was starting to get worried that she didn't feel the same way. She looked down at her casted hand and her wrapped up waist. She moved a little and looked back up to me with tears in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again, as if she was stuttering over her words, that have yet to leave her mouth. I waited long enough, I just knew I shouldn't have said anything, I knew I shouldn't have told her how I felt. I turned away, and started to leave the room, with tears in my eyes, but I was stopped, and turned around by Heather. She grabbed  the top of my shirt and pulled me down to her face and smacked her lips against mine, taking me by surprise. I reacted after I got over the shock, and wrapped my arms around her waist, trying not to hurt her ribs or anything, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. When we pulled away, she said that one word I was waiting for, "Yes." She told me nodding her head. I pulled her to me and hugged her. This is what I have wanted for a while now. I finally got it. She's finally my girlfriend. She is finally mine.


Sorry guys, I've had this typed for a while now, but never edited it but here you go!!!!!

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