Chapter 10

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Heather's POV

I woke up this morning and get ready for school. After I took a shower, I brushed my teeth and hair, and I put some eyeliner on, then I went to put on some clothes. I put on a black shirt that hung off one shoulder and put a hot pink tank top under it. I put some hot pink skinny jeans, that have black skulls all over them. I put my black DC shoes on and ran downstairs. The guys were at the table eating cereal and Brandon was cooking bacon. "Hey where are the keys to the black motorcycle?" I asked. Derek looked up at me and pointed behind me. I turned around and grabbed the keys and put them in my back pocket. I walked over next to Brandon and he looked at me cautiously. I moved the bacon from the pan to a plate. It smelled good. He went to put the spatula in the sink and I stole a piece of his bacon when his back was turned. I shoved it in my mouth and ate it. It was good. The guys started laughing at me. Brandon quickly looked at me suspiciously and raised an eyebrow. I smiled at him. He walked over and grabbed the pan he cooked in and went back to the sink. I shoved a couple more pieces in my mouth and chewed it the swallowed and the guys laughed again. Brandon turned around fastly and eyed me. I smiled and he turned back around with a confused look on his face, and began rinsing the pan. I was on the last piece of his bacon when he turned around. He looked at me, then down at the piece of bacon in my hands, then back to me, then at the empty plate, that once held his bacon. I slowly took a bite out of the crunchy bacon and the guys started laughing. Brandon lunged for the piece of bacon in my hands angrily when I moved out of the way. He turned around with an angry expression. "Give me the bacon." He commanded. I slowly took another bite of the bacon and it crunched underneath my teeth. He went to grab it again but failed. He scowled me and then pouted. "Your ridiculous." I said laughing, and finished off the piece of bacon. His pout changed to a mad look. "My own prisoner, stole my bacon."" he said shaking his head. I laughed and went to the garage to the black motorcycle. I slipped the helmet over my head and looked at my phone. It was 7:30am. I got onto the motorcycle and leaned down and grabbed the handle bars. I put the keys in and started the motorcycle. I was out on the street within seconds. I arrived at the parking lot. People stopped and stared at me as I drove by. I parked in front of a red Ferrari, that had a bunch of guys around it. They looked up at me, and I turned my bike off. I took my helmet off and sat on my bike as I looked at my phone. I had a text. I sat my helmet on the back of my bike and put the kick stand out and continued to sit on my bike. It was a text message from Brandon. I opened it and it read: 'Bacon stealer!!' I laughed a little and put my phone in my back pocket and looked up. The guys stood there staring at me with wide eyes and their mouths hanging open. I got off my bike and started walking away. I got out my Ipod and put my head phones in. I hummed along to the song Just like you, by Three Days Grace. I walked into the the school and went to the office to grab my schedule. I didn't know where the office is so I walked up to a guy that was rummaging through his locker. I walked up behind him and tapped him on his back. He jumped, causing his head to hit the top of the locker. I laughed but covered it with a cough. He turned around and he rubbed his head, from were he hit it. "Sorry." I said. "Na its okay, what'd you need?" He asked smiling. "Where's the office?" I said, taking one of my headphones out so I could hear him better. "Follow me." He said. He shut his locker and turned on his heel and we headed down the hallway. I took the time to study his features. He had black hair that covered his left eye. His eyes were a soft gray. He had tanish skin. His eyebrow was peirced. He also had snakebites. They were black hoops. He had white teeth and stood about 6'2 and I stood about 5'5. He had an awesome build and looked pretty hot. He turned to me and smiled as we came to a stop. "By the way, my name's Cody." He said sticking out his hand for me to shake. I took it gladly and said "Heather." I smiled brightly as he opened the door to the office, for me to go in. "Thanks" I said as I entered the office. "How may I help you?" The woman asked. "I'm the new student, Heather Gibson." I told her. She nodded and left the room for a minute. I turned and seen a hot guy sitting in one of the chairs, asleep. He had blond hair that hung over one of his eyes. He had a very muscular build, and a nice tan. The lady came back with some papers in her hand. She handed them to me. She put a pen on top of the papers in my hand. "Seth wake up!" She yelled. I turned to the guy that was sitting in the chair sleeping, but he sure snapped awake. She turned back to me smiling. "Okay, since your eighteen, you have to feel out the forms, so get started." She said smiling. My smile dropped from my face. I sighed and sat down in the only chair available, which was next to, my guess Seth. I looked over at him and he was checking me out. I picked up the pen and began filling out the forms. The door opened, and Brandon walked in. He went to the desk and talked to the lady I was talking to earlier. She handed him a packet and he frowned. He looked up at me and then back down at the packet and smirked. He walked over to me. "Since you stole my bacon earlier, you get to fill these out." He said shoving the packet in my hands. "I am not filling shit out for you." I said shoving the packet back into his hands. "Oh come on, please, you stole my bacon, all of it." He said pouting. "I don't care. The bacon was good to. It was crispy and juicy, and you didn't get to even have a crumb." I said laughing. He shoved the packet back to me. I took the packet and hit him over the head with it. "Don't do that!" The woman behind the desk said sternly. That only made me madder. Brandon laughed a little. I hit him over the head with it again. "Stop! Now!"  The woman yelled. I repeatedly hit him again and again. The woman came around the desk and grabbed my arm, pulling me from Brandon. So I hit her with it. Brandon and Seth burst out laughing. The woman let go of my arm, walked back around the desk, slammed my schedule and the counter and walked away. "Glad you understand! Bitch." I yelled. I shoved the wrinkled papers back into Brandon's arms and grabbed my own. I walked to the desk and yelled. "Bitch! I filled the papers out!" She stormed out of the door towards me and snatched the papers out of my hands and went into a different room. I laughed a little at her and turned back to Brandon and Seth, who was staring at me intently. "What?" i asked. "You didn't fill out my papers." Brandon said. I shrugged my shoulders and left the room. I put my head phones back into my ears and looked down at my schedule. Hmmm, I wonder where my classes are. Seconds later it's snatched out of my hands and my head shot up to Brandon. I went to grab it back, but he moved it. "Brandon give it back!" I yelled. He shock his head no and continued to look at it. Sooner or later I wound up on his back trying to get my schedule back. I finally got my schedule back, but he grabbed my legs, so I couldn't get off. "Brandon put down!" I yelled as he started running to the office. He barged in there and started flipping chairs over with his feet. Seth was staring at us like we were crazy. "Put me down jackass!! We're going to get in trouble!" I yelled. "Like you care." He said still running around flinging stuff every where. "Put me down!" I yelled. I started wiggling, trying to get him to put me down. "Stop doing that." He whispered. "Why!" I whispered back. "Your giving me a boner." He whispered. "EEEWWWW!!!!" I yelled trying to get off him. He just laughed and started spinning in circles. Seth was cracking up and I was trying to get him to stop. I was very dizzy. He put me down and I fell over a chair, as papers flew everywhere. "Brandon I'm going to kill you!" I yelled. He ran out of the room. I went to run out of the room, but suddenly I hear footsteps. "Heather Gibson get over here now!" the bitch woman yelled. "Busted." I said sighing. Seth was still laughing his ass off. "What, I didn't do this! It was- never mind Ill clean it up for you." I smiled sweetly and she gave me a strange look but walked back into a room. Even Seth stopped laughing. I looked at him and he was smirking. "Do you by any chance have a couple of skateboards?" I asked him. He raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Yeah I have two." I said. "Can I borrow them for a couple of days, and I can give you a ride home.?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah sure, let me go get them while you......clean up." He said getting up and walking out of the room. I cleaned up the office in no time and sat down on one of the seats. Soon Seth came into the office and handed my the two skateboards. I looked at my schedule and left the office, and headed to my locker. I opened it and I seen the text books in it. I quickly shoved the skateboards into the locker and grabbed what I needed for class. The hallways were now filled with people, trying to get to class. Soon the bell rang and I went too find my class. I found it in no time and went inside. "Ahh. Look everyone, it's our new student, Heather Gibson." The teacher said. He was kinda young looking. His eyes scanned me and then I looked over the class of students. "I bet she's a whore." one of the red headed girls said to her friend. She laughed at that and looked back up at me. I smiled and walked to her desk. "Yeah says the girl that probably paid twenty guys to sleep with you each week because they wont do it willingly, because no offense but you look like a girl, that probably has an STD." I told her and the class laughed and was yelling 'Bitch just got told!' and 'Burnn!', heck even the teacher laughed, but covered it with a cough. I smiled and walked away from her desk and sat down in an empty seat next to a girl, that looked like fairly doesn't person. She had straight brown hair with dark brown eyes. She was pretty too. She looked over at me and I said "Hey, I'm Heather." She smiled and said "Ashely, but you can call me Ash." I nodded and we talked till the bell rang. Turns out that we had all classes together. Guys were asking me out left and right, and I just told them to go suck a dick. Me and Ash made a plan for tomorrow. It was lunch time so I bought my lunch and me and Ash walked to the benches outside and ate our food. I had all of my classes with Ash and Seth. I had four classes with Brandon and three classes with Cody. Ashely wants me to try out for cheer-leading wit her, even know we aren't girly girls, we thought it would be fun. After all my classes were over I shoved my books into my locker and grabbed my keys. When I walked out of the school, Seth came up to me. "Hey." I told him walking. "Hey, you giving me a ride home?" He asked smiling. "Ya. I said I would." I told him smiling."So where's your car?" He asked. "At home." I told him. "So how are you giving me a ride home?" He asked raising an eyebrow. By now we were standing in front of my motorcycle. I picked up the helmet and shoved it in his arms playfully. He looked from me, to the helmet, then to my motorcycle. His eyes widened. I grabbed my spare helmet. "Where do you live?" I asked him. "164 Cumberland street." He answered. I nodded my head. I put my helmet on and got on the bike. I looked back at him and he was still staring at me. "Come on get on." I told him. "You cant be serious? Come on, I expected to see a fucking KIA or something girly, not this." He said. I shrugged and he finally put the helmet on and got on the bike behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm not going to die or anything am I?" He asked. "Don't let got." I told him laughing. It just made him squeeze me tighter. I turned it on and backed out slowly. Soon we were zooming down the road. We arrived at his house and he got off and handed me my spare helmet and a=said his thanks and soon enough, I was at home.

Brandon's POV

 Perfect. I have made best friends with Seth. The plan is moving slowly, but surely. I'm glad it was easy. I guess, having girls crawl all over you makes you popular. I'm going over to Lisa's house right now to have some fun. This is great.

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