Chapter 9

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Heathers POV

I woke up to a massive headache, probably from the punch last night. I opened my eyes and I was in Brandon's room. I looked to my left and seen Brandon sleeping. Awe! He looks so cute when he's sleeping. I stumbled out of the bed and made my way to the door. I walked out of the room and made my way to my room to pack for the trip to California.Once in my room I started packing everything. The suitcases were pretty big so I got my clothes in ten of the large suit cases. I put my makeup stuff in one small suit case. After I got everything packed it was about eight at night. I'm starving. I got up and skipped downstairs to the kitchen. I fixed me a grilled cheese sandwich and ate it. My shoulder hurts, from when I popped it back in place last night. I walked upstairs, and it's oddly quiet. I went into my bathroom and my bruise was barely visible. You can still see it but it's definately fading. I walked back out off my room and down the hall. I went to Tyler's bedroom and opened the door. His suitcases were in a bunch, but there was no Tyler. I went down another hall to Derek's room. I opened it and his suit cases were there but not him. Same thing with Zack and Brandon. They weren't there but their suitcases were. I went and searched everywhere. No one was here. Hmm. It is a little weird but oh well. I went down to the garage. I got a helmet and a dirt bike. I was in the mood to go around the track in the woods. I got and the red dirt bike and put on the matching helmet. I turned it on and headed towards the track. Once there I started jumping the jumps and going at super fast speeds. I jumped another jump and landed perfectly. Out of the corner of my eye I see a guy watching me. "Hey Dude! I'm lost! Can you tell me where I am?" I quickly cut off the engine and took off my helmet. My blond hair fell out of it and I put it on the bike and walked over to him. "I'm sorry what did you say, I couldn't hear you over the bike and my helmet." I said approaching the guy. He had red colored hair and was in pretty good shape. "Oh I'm lost, can you give me a ride to the main road?" He asked. "Your on private property but ya I guess I could. But the dirt bike isn't big enough so will you wait here, while I go get a four wheeler?" I asked. "Uh- um y-ya ya sure go ahead Ill wait here." He tells me, scratching the back of his head. I turned around and put the helmet back on and started the dirt bike. I headed back up to the garage and got on the four wheeler. I didn't need a helmet so I didn't wear one. I quickly drove down to where he was. He was sitting on the ground playing with a stick, looking bored. He looked up when he heard the four wheeler. He stood up and I pulled in next to him. "Ready?" I asked him "Ya." he said getting on. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I began to drive to the road. "So why are you all the way out here?" I asked. "I just wanted to go into the woods for a walk, I'm here on vacation with my family, I'm sorry I didn't see the private property sign." He told me. "Oh." I told him. Tree's zoomed by as we got closer and closer to the road. Eventually we were next to the road and he got off. He waved and made his way down the street. I quickly drove back to the house and parked the four wheeler. I got off of it and heard some banging noises inside the house. Cautiously I made my way into the house. I walked into the living room and seen Sarah laying on the ground. "Sarah what are you doing?" I asked as I looked around and seen the lamps on the ground next to her. She looked up at me and said, "I fell." She got up and hugged me. "If your wondering, the boys are making arrangements for the flight tomorrow, so that's why they aren't here." "Oh okay." I said. "I cant believe you get to go to California. Your so lucky." She tells me. We watch a couple of movies and I ended up falling asleep.

Brandon's POV

After we made arrangements for the flight, we went home. I opened the door and walked in. Jennifer was sleeping on the couch. She is like the hottest girl I have ever seen. She looks cute while she's sleeping. And Ive seen alot of girls sleeping and they've never looked cute while they slept. "Awe!" Tyler says running and looked over at Jennifer. She was slightly snoring, but you could barley hear it. I get and idea so I go in the kitchen and grabbed some whipped cream and a feather. I was back into the living room and everyone is gathered around her. I moved them out of the way and sprayed a bunch of whipped cream in her hands.This is a classic, yet funny trick. It always works, so I have no worries. I get on my knees, and tickle her nose with a feather. She starts to lift her hand and groans. But instead of her getting whipped cream on her face, she slammed her hand right in my face and slid it down my face, making sure she got it all over my face. She grabbed the can of whipped cream and squirted a mouthfull in her mouth and laughed at me. All of the guys were laughing at me. "Face it Brandon, I'm just to smart for pranks, but I'm the master at pulling them. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. I wiped some of it off and went to it all over her, but she backed away. "Brandon stop, I don't want to have to have a shower." She said holding her hands up. Then I get the idea. The prank I going to pull is hold her in my shower against her will. I smile and she gets a curious look on her face. I walk away and run upstairs to my room. I find a metal chain and a pad lock. I walk in my bathroom, and I sure am glad I don't have a curtin, but I have a clear plexy sliding glass door, to get in and out of my shower. I immediately turn the shower on cold and the good thing about my shower is the water comes out of the ceiling and the nob is on the outside of the shower, so she wouldn't be able to cut off the water or get out. I smiled to myself and washed my face off. After I was done I turned the water off and left it on the cold side, so when I turn it on it will immediately turn cold. I walk into Heather's room and turned on her lamp. She was oblivious to notice me. She had her head phones in her ears and I could hear the music from here so I know she couldn't hear me. She had her eyes closed too. I walked up to her and scooped her out of bed, and threw her over my shoulder. She started kicking, but it didn't make a difference. Her struggles are useless. She yells. "Put me down now!!" We made it to my bathroom and I sat her on on the floor in the shower. I get the door shut before she gets out. I get the chain around the bars and then I get the lock on the chain. She tugs at the door, with no luck. "What the hell Brandon!" She yells looking at me threw the glass. "You ready to get cold as hell?" I asked her pointing to the nob that controls the water. She looked at the wall on the inside and to her disappointment she didn't find a nob. I laughed and she scowled me. I soon turned it on full blast, on cold, and she starts screaming. "Oh My God! Brandon turn it off!" She yells. She was wearing a sports bra and some black lace underwear that matches the sports bra. Damn shes sexy. She even has a belly button ring and her tongue is pierced. She has a nice natural tan too."Brandon turn it off!" She yelled banging on the glass. Soon enough the guys are running into my bathroom to see what the hell is all the screamming about. They started laughing. "I'm freezing my ass of! Will someone get me out?!" she yelled. "Nice work Brandon, cuz that looks damn fine!" Derek said. Tyler pulled out his phone and took pictures of her. I laughed. I mean who wouldn't take pictures of a sexy body like that. Me and the guys agree that she is the sexiest girl alive. She ends up slipping and falls. Soon after that all the guys leave, and Heather is still mad as hell. I turned off the water and left her in the bathroom for about an hout and when I walk in there she's asleep. I unlock the door, and locked it back so she couldn't escape. I feel so mean. I wake up smiling and she gets real mad. I had the key in my hand when she kicks me in my groin and I accidentally let go of it. Derek walks into my bathroom and smiles. He runs over and turns on the cold shower. The next thing you know the key slipped down the drain. Uh-oh. I thought. We're yelling at Derek to turn it off, but he doesn't. He shrugs and walks out of the room. "Unlock the door Brandon!" She yells. "I cant, you knocked the key out of my hand and it went down the drain." I tell her. She sighs and sits down in the corner. I sit next to her and we have a steering contest.But one thing leads to another, and we ended up making out. She starts sucks on my snake bites and it makes me moan. I grabbed her tongue ring in between my teeth, making her moan. She's laying down on the floor of the shower and I'm laying on top of her and we're making out. I glided my hand up her waist, to the back of her head and pulled it closer to me. There is something different about this kiss, and it makes no sense. I love the way it feels. When we stopped we were both breathing hard. "This never leaves this room, got it?" She told. I nodded confused. She went to a the far corner and curled into a ball. She fell asleep shortly after. Cold water was still pouring from my shower because, Derek didn't turn it off. About an hour later, I'm hungry. I stand up and slam myself against the glass. I know plexy glass doesn't break, but maybe it will come off of the hinges, that holds it in place. "What the crap are you doing?!" I heard Heather yell. "I'm trying to get us out of here, will you help me?" I asked. She got up and we began banging our shoulders against the glass. On our tenth try, it came out of the wall and we fell to the ground, on top of the glass. She tried to get up but slipped on the glass and fell back down. I chuckled at her second attempt because she fell again. She gave me a death glare, and got on her hands and knee's and began to crawl away. I was watching her ass as she left though. I managed to get up and go into my room. She was already gone, so I changed into some dry boxers and went to bed.


Heather's POV

"WAKE UP!!!!" I hear someone yell. I groan and roll over, which caused my to fall off of the bed. Why am I always the one to fall of the bed! I stood up and looked at who made me wake up. Tyler and Zack stood there with big grins crossing over their faces. "Hurry up and get ready, we have to be on the plane in about two hours, and it takes about thirty minutes to get there so hurry!" They said and ran out of my room. I groaned and got out a pair of dark washed skinny jeans, a purple off the shoulder top with a black tank top under it and then I got out my DC shoes. After I got out of the warm shower, I put the clothes on and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair and put on some eyeliner. I walked down stairs and the boys got my luggage and put it in a truck. "What happened to my car?" I asked pouting. "It's in California, waiting on us." Brandon said as we got in the truck. I fell asleep after about ten minutes, only to be woken up my Brandon, saying that we're here. I got out of the truck and followed Brandon. They people that worked here, got our luggage and brought it somewhere. Me, Brandon, Tyler, Zack, and Derek boarded the private plane and took our seats. The flight attendant came in the room. He was hot! He looked at us and smiled when his eyes met mine. He had short black hair and hazel eyes. He looked like he worked out too. "Okay guys, put your seat belts on and enjoy your flight." He said and winked at me, turned around and left. "Damn Heather,  we cant take you anywhere, without someone hitting on you." Zack said. I giggle and buckled my seat belt. Soon we were flying threw the air and I was looking out the window when the flight attendant came and sat beside me. I looked at him and smiled. "Hey, my name's Bill." He said extending his hand. "Heather." I said shaking his hand. I leaned back and closed my eyes in an attempt to go to sleep. I was soon fast asleep.

Brandon's POV

 I was partying with the guys. I looked over at Heather and she was fast asleep. I sat down beside her and shut my eyes. I woke up when we landed. "Heather. Wake up." I said shaking her. She groaned but got up. When we got off of the plane, we drove to our safe house. "Okay guys Ill read the file. So just sit on the couch." I told them and got the file out of my bag.



AGE: 19




I looked up at everyone, after I read the file out loud. "I cant go to high school, because I'm 21. I'm so not going back to high school." Derek told me. "I cant go either, because I'm 20." Tyler threw in. I sighed and looked at Zack. "No. You cant make me go. Besides, I'm 20 too." Zack said crossing his arms. I sighed. "I could go with ya! After all, I am 18!" Heather yelled. I'm 19 and I guess I'm gonna have to do this mission alone. But Heather wants to go. "Fine." I told her and she lit up like a light bulb. "Yayy!" she yelled. "Where's my room. I need to unpack." She asked. I got up and showed her the way. We walked upstairs and opened the door. She ran into her room and ran towards the sliding glass door. She opened it and ran out onto the balcony. I followed her and in front of me was the ocean about a good forty feet away. I could see the waves crash against the sand and get pulled back into the ocean. It was a wonderful view. She had a happy expression on her face. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked looking at her. She nodded her head and turned to me. "When do we start going to school?" She asked me. "In two days. It gives us enough time to enroll and get our stuff unpacked." I told her smiling. She nodded and I left her room and went to my own.

Heather's POV

After about five hours, I was finally done unpacking. I went down stairs to the kitchen. I made me a sandwich and ate it. It was about two in the morning so after I ate my sandwich, I quietly made my way to my room. I walked out on the balcony and looked over the ocean. A gentle breeze swept across the sand. I walked back inside and went to sleep. I cant wait till school starts.---------------------------------------------------Authors Note------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hey guys! Hoped ya like the new chapter!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if it was boring but oh well............. Maybe you could, oh I don't know, Comment! Fan!! Vote!!!!!!! that'd be awesome if you guys did!!! Well bye!

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