Chapter 12

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Heather's POV

I was put onto a chair and my hands were cuffed around the top part and my ankles were strapped to the legs of the chair. Seth sat in front of me smirking. He got up and started to pat my body, searching for something. When he came to my back pockets, he took out my phone and his smirk grew wider as he slammed it onto the ground and smashed it. "Heather, I'm going to ask you politely one more time, why were you sent here, are they after me?" He said, getting close to my face. I just looked away from him, keeping my mouth shut. I know I butt dialed Brandon. I heard the rings of his phone on the other end, but I hope he didn't hang up. I could feel Seth getting angrier by the second. I heard cars outside and I turned my head to Seth again. "Tell me Heather, did you know I was in a gang?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Well I'm the leader of this gang. So I suggest you tell me what the fuck you're doing here." He said, I could feel his warm breath tickle my face, as he grew closer. His eyes flashed to mine and then to my lips. Then he quickly smacked his lips against mine and hungrily kissed me as I tried to pull away in protest. He bit my lip, hard enough to draw blood. It made me open my mouth to cry in pain but he stuck his tongue into my mouth. I quickly bit down on it and he pulled back. He slapped me across my face and then started kissing down my neck, as his hands roamed over my body and stopping at my breasts. I struggled against him but he didn't even seem to notice. He bit down on my neck and he moaned as he squeezed my breasts. I cried in pain as he bit my neck a little harder. "Get off me you perv!" I yelled as I frantically tried to get out of the ropes that bounded my hands and feet. He pulled away, lust visible in his eyes. "I've been waiting for this, for a while now, and I always get what I want." He said smirking. He slowly took my jacket of and slung it on the floor. His eyes met mine. "So are you going to tell me?" He asked. I just stared at him. I at least need to keep my dignity. He punched me in the stomach and and I gasped in pain. He cut the ropes that held me to the chair. He slung me upwards and pushed me to the door. He opened it and threw me out of it. I slammed into the wall and stumbled back a little. His hand clamped around my arm as he pulled me down the stairs with him. There were big bulky guys everywhere, playing poker, and doing other stuff. But there was one particular guy that looked about Seth's age and he was slumped in a corner looking bored as hell. His eyes met my teary ones and he raised an eyebrow. Seth slung me forwards as he opened a sliding glass door and threw me onto the ground. It might have been in the late October but snow covered the ground, and it was still snowing. There was a big fence that trapped me in the backyard. Seth disappeared, then reappeared with the guy that I seen earlier, slumped in a corner. He had blond hair and green eyes. He was fit and had pale skin, but it suited him. He was pretty cute but I payed no attention. His eyes found mine and I tried to stand up so I could get out of the snow. Once to my feet I looked over at Seth. My hands were not tied and neither was my feet. He went to punch me again but I moved out of the way and elbowed him in the ribs and kicked him in his area. He winced a little and looked back up to me. He went to grab me but I moved, causing him to slip. I kicked him in the face and started to run to the fence so I could attempt to jump it. Before I could even attempt to jump the fence, hands wrapped themselves around my waist and jerked me to the ground. I rolled over on my back and slammed my leg against his ankle, making him fall the the ground. I stood up, only to be tackled by Seth. My eyes soon seen the other guy that I seen earlier just standing there, mouth hanging open. Seth rolled me on my back and straddled me. He punched me in my stomach over and over again. He got off of me and picked me up and carried me for a minute till I was dropped on the ground again. I groaned in pain as he forced me to stand. He strapped me to two poles. My right wrist was cuffed to the pole on the right, and my left wrist was handcuffed to the pole on the left. My arms were stretched out as wide as they could go. He forced my head back and smirked down at me. The night was moonless and barley any stars shown. Snow was as cold and bitter as ever as he punched me in my stomach, making me weak. He kept punching me in my stomach over and over again. Tears fell from my eyes, as he continued to punch me. They were slow tough punches. Soon I began throwing up. He soon round housed me on the the side of my face. My head jerked to the side as I felt blood in my mouth. Then he walked away before he done anything else. I slumped down to the ground and spit out the blood in my mouth. I hung my head low and looked at the blood stained snow. I soon heard snow crunch under someones feet and I looked up expecting to see Seth but instead I see the face of a worried man, the one I saw earlier. He crouched down in front of me and then unlocked one of my hands. I spit out more blood and I grabbed a handful of clean snow a put some in my mouth and let it melt. I swooshed it around in my mouth and then spit it out. "Are you okay?" The guy asked softly. I shook my head no. "Well just so you know, I'm helping Brandon. He traced the call and should be here sometime tonight. I'm one of his friends, and yes I'm an assassin to. My names Drake by the way. But I cant go ahead and kill Seth because it's not my mission."He whispered. I looked up at him and nodded. I took some snow and rubbed it on my face, cleaning off the blood. My stomach hurt like hell. I lifted up my shirt, wincing in pain and looked at the big bruise that covered up practically my whole mid section. "Damn. Bet that hurts." The guy said. I just shook my head and put my shirt back down. The snow was not helping either. My teeth started chattering and I scooted back a little. Seth came back and Drake got to his feet. Seth unlocked my handcuffs and flung me on the ground. I let out a whine of pain. He started kicking me in the stomach. I screamed in pain as I tried to get him to stop. "Seth! Seth, man come on, just stop." Drake tried to convince Seth. "Get your ass inside and let me handle this little bitch." Seth said. Drake looked down at me but done what Seth had told him to. Seth continued to beat me up and let me tell you, I was busted up. I started coughing up blood and my nose was most likely broken. I'm sure a couple of my ribs were broken too. He stomped on my hand, braking it, as I screamed in pain. It was absolutely painful and I just couldn't do it anymore. Boom! I flinched at the loud sound. I opened my eyes and seen Seth laying on the ground, blood pouring from his head. My vision was blurry but I could still make out somethings. "Heather! Heather! Come on, can you see me?" I heard Brandon's familiar voice ask, worried. I grunted in response. "Damn, your fucked up." He said. He picked me up and carried me bridal style. I whined in pain and cried harder. "Shh. Shh its going to be okay." His voice cracked. I was placed in a car and he got in after me. He started to drive to god only knows where. We were driving for about twenty minutes until we came to a stop. I had my eyes closed so I didn't bother to even try looking. I was picked up from my seat and carried somewhere. I screamed in pain as I was carried. I heard a door swing open, then I heard every ones panicked voices. "What the fuck happened?!" I heard Jake yell. "Tyler, we have to fix her." Brandon said. I was layed on a bed and I heard alot of commotion. I finally slipped off into the peaceful darkness.

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