Home Sweet Home

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"I should have known it was you though," he sighed and ran his hands through his hair, then looked up at me.  

His big blue eyes shown with remorse, making me feel like I should have been the one apologizing. "Oh stop. I have no scent remember, just like the hunters. You had no way of knowing." 

"Are you putting her to bed?" He asked, nodding his head towards the sleeping child in my arms.  

"I am, do you wanna come?" 

"Yeah, I tried to put her to bed earlier, but every time I laid her down she either cried or latched onto me." 

I laughed at that, "She totally played you daddy." 

"Yeah, yeah." 

Jackson followed closely behind me as we walked into Ember's room. I gingerly laid her down inside the crib, she didn't even make a noise. I stood up and turned back to Jackson with a smug smile on my face, "And that's how it's done." I really didn't do anything special, she was already asleep so I knew it would be easy, but I couldn't help but mess with him.  

Jackson reached forward and pulled my body into his, "Bed time?" 

It took me a minute to gain my balance. The air in the room had become thick and I was finding it hard to breathe or think correctly while so close to him. "Uh, I have to shower," I stuttered out.  

"Oh yeah?" He leaned into the crook that sat between my shoulders and neck. "I need one too." 

He began to place small kisses up my neck, lingering behind my ear. "You took one already," I breathed out. My heart was going so fast, it felt like it was about to jump out of my chest and I was sure that Jackson could hear it.  

"I need another one." He grabbed my hand and led me out of Ember's room and into the bathroom.  

The warm air engulfed us as we walked in since I had already started the water. Jackson turned to face me and I once again found myself breathless. I couldn't understand how I had lived a whole year without this feeling, because at the moment I didn't know how I would ever live without it.  

He gently grabbed the bottom of my scrub top and slowly pulled it up. I lifted my arms in the air, enjoying the feel of his hands as he ran them up my body along with my top. He tossed the shirt behind me and stepped closer, grabbing my waist. The tips of his fingers slid under the elastic band of my pants. With his hands flat against my hips and his thumb hitched over the waistband, he slowly pulled down my pants and panties, leaving warm kisses down my leg.  

When he came back up, his hands never left my body, leaving hot trails up my legs. The moment he was at full height he placed his lips on mine. My whole body exploded with excitement. I reached my hands around his back and pulled his shirt up. I was trying to make it as slow and deliberate as he had done, but he wasn't having it. He pulled his lips away from mine and ripped his shirt off before pulling my body back into his.  

I put everything I had into the kiss, trying to show him just how much I had missed him, how much I needed him, and how much I wanted him. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get close enough to him, our bodies were practically one, but I wanted more. My stomach was being attacked by overwhelming tingles, every inch of my body felt like it was on fire.  

Jackson once again pulled away from me and slid his hands over my shoulders, taking my bra down my arms and then off. I had been so consumed with him that I hadn't noticed him unlatching it. He gave my lips a quick kiss and then pushed open the shower curtain.  

I stepped inside, being led by his warm hand on my lower back. I had only been under the warm water, which held no heat compared to Jackson's touch, for a moment before he joined me. He brought his body flush with mine, but instead of picking up where we left off, he ran his hands through my hair and pushed back slightly so that I was further into the water.  

He helped me wash my hair and then my body, not allowing me any sort of sexual contact. By the time my body was cleaned I was completely on edge. The tension in my muscles had increased tenfold, just anticipating when his lips would come back to mine. Right when I thought I was about to combust, he finally pulled us together. Our lips connected once again and I felt like I could finally breathe again.  

Jackson only held onto me for a few moments before he was gone, and I couldn't help but become frustrated, "You're killing me," I whined out. I didn't care if it killed the mood, I felt like I was dying.  

Jackson just smiled as he reached around me and shut the water off. He ignored my dirty looks as he climbed out of the shower, taking me with him and grabbed a towel, which he wrapped around me quickly. Without getting a towel for himself, he grabbed onto my hand and pulled me from the bathroom.  

Once we were back in my room he took my towel, causing goose bumps to cover every inch of my skin. Before he could walk away and tease me any further, I grabbed his arms and pulled him into me, smashing my lips onto his before he could object. I used all the strength I had to push his body back towards the bed.  

I felt his legs hit the mattress, so I pulled away. I gave him a little smile and then pushed him down. Wasting no time, I climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. "Welcome home," I whispered and then brought my lips back to his.

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