I pedalled hard to keep up with Jade she is just running fast I wanted to tell her to stop because though we are in the subdivision there's still drivers who don't care and drive recklessly. When we are nearing her house I slowed down knowing that's where she is going, but instead she move passed it and continue to bike through the trees passed my house and now I know where we are heading.



Althea found this secluded spot just a few months after christmas last year and it suddenly became our hangout after practice or whenever we just want to hang and chill and tell stories. It's a part of our property and is near the park. But it's deceiving because it's covered in bushes you will never know that there's a cool pond an old mango tree and lush green grasses in that area.

I don't know why I am like this, exclude the fact that I feel mad at Althea for being so clingy, sweet and caring to that bitch who is Kathleen. Yeah, she is. Dated every popular boy in school and a known bisexual? She is a bitch right? Now, Althea is her target? She better watch out. Slutty bitch. :-/ But really, I know. We know... I'm ignoring Althea but it not because I'm mad at her or what... but since that kiss I feel different. I told her I'm just sleepy and maybe still dreaming but the truth is I'm awake. Yeah, I may be a lil groggy but I knew what happened and I knew I wanted it. I wanted it to happen for so long. You heard me right... I think I, I like Althea. The first time we met, there's that tension I felt. It's so strong I can't deny it. Every time she hold my hand I feel the warmth and the fire ready to ignite something in me. Her lips, her lips on mine. I can't get it off my mind...The taste of her lips and warmth radiating to my whole being is so much for me.How she hold my face in her hands, how she touch me send me to unfamiliar thoughts and feelings I never knew I had.

I dropped my bike and run through the bushes and went in. Never once turned to face her. I think she almost have a sore throat calling me. That girl is just so stubborn and moody. (Oops... Well that's technically me)

"Jade... "


"Jade... "


"Jade... what's going on.Why don't you talk to me? Why are you ignoring me? What did I do? And what about Kathleen? " Althea ask continuosly. I can't look at her in the eyes not yet.

"Please talk to me Jade... I am sorry. "

" If it's bout Kathleen, Im sorry you are my best friend and only you. Im just being nice to that girl cause she is the one who talks to me first. I just dont wanna be rude Jade" she added desperately.

"Is this about the kiss? Are you ignoring me because of it? Jade please just talk to me. " I hear sadness in her voice and I felt her hand tap my shoulder turning me to face her...

I see frustration in those big anime eyes Im slowly growing fond of. I looked at her eyes and the tension is radiating of my body again... I felt her hands graze my arm and hold my hands. Why are you making this hard for me Althea...I forces myself to speak though I really didn't know what to say.

"A - Al, Im sorry " I stuttered

"Yeah okay I got mad at you for talking to that bitch Kathleen. I really don't want you talking to her ever Althea. Believe me she is my classmate I know how she is"

"Jade, you sound like a jealous girlfriend" she smirked her signature one and I got weak on my knees again.

"Jealous? and girlfriend? Watch your word althea. Im just concerned. That's it-"... I felt her index finger on my lips cutting what i was saying then her hands hold my hips and pulled me closer to her.

My mind tells me to react and pull back but my body says the opposite. It's like she is a magnet that I am gravitating to, probably she is the daughter of Magneto? what am I thinking. -_- :D

She pressed her body into mine and I slowly put my hands on her neck while staring at her beautiful eyes, it's full of emotion I'm unsure of but the way she looks at me tells me something my heart is familiar of...Her gaze locked on mine as she lean closer...and closer. Her eyes traveling from my eyes to my lips. I feel the heat. I can smell her minty breath and her fresh ocean scent which I got to love... I got weak in my knees once again, if she was not holding me I think I'd fall.. My eyes travel from her eyes to her pink kissable lips Oh how I wanted to taste it again...1inch to half inch (almost there Jade)...

Buzz!!! Buzz!!!! Buzz!!!
"What the hell?! " Althea irritatingly said as she take the vibrating phone out her pocket.


Hi Bestfriend :D

" Ugh Batchie you are right on time! dammit" I heard althea whispered in a low tone.

" Althea, who's that" I stuttered while recovering from the heated moment a while ago.

" Oh it's Batchi, just saying Hi" Althea shrugged

"I think we better go home?" as I smiled nervously

"Yeah, I, I thinks that's a good idea" she responded

I walked passed Althea as she stare at me and before I knew it, she touched my shoulder, turned me around.... Cupped my face as her lips landed in mine...

My world stopped for minutes I don't know... I just closed my eyes feeling my face reddened and electricity hit up my whole body. I hold her waist as I pull her closer. She kissed me gently as she does two weeks ago on her bedroom... but today there's much passion as she lick my bottom lips and I just found myself kissing her back with the same passion she had...

Then she pulled back catching her breath as I catch mine..my hands still on her waist as she stare at me face red...


Heeya guys!!!

How everyone is doing? :) Sorry for the very late ud as always :D but I hope you enjoyed it. I'm still practicing my writing of some heated scenes that's why its hard for me to update much included my busy sched.And Im finding words to really convey what I wanna say and feel at the chapter cause as Ive said earlier Im new to writing but thanks to all of you who still there and never left! :D Sorry for the typos or any grammatical errors you may have found. I dont proofread. Peace :)

Love you guys!
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Take Care! - SeanKarlo

Wherever You Will Go (Rastro Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora