Chapter 8

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HI EVERYONE!! I am SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN SO LONG! I've been busy with a show recently, but it closed tonight! So I will definitely have A LOT more time on my hands! FOR SURE!

I hope you like this next chapter. I made up the akuma, I know it isn't great, I am still pretty new to writing fanfics/writing in general, so please feel free to leave comments and suggestions. But please be kind! Because love is more important than hate!

I know I left it at a cliffhanger, but this will move us a bit further in the plot... and there maaaaay be more cliffhangers in future chapters...I know, it's rough.... But you just have to stay tuned and see!

Enjoy! :) <3


This can't be good, Adrien thought as he left Marinette, who hid inside, for her own protection.

He pounded across the rooftops towards the screaming civilians.

He didn't want to leave Mari, his princess, alone like that. He had definitely wanted to do much more... But a hero's job is never done, and Ladybug would be waiting for him.

Even though he was racing off to battle another evil pawn in Hawkmoth's game, he couldn't keep the skip out of his step. 

Mari loved HIM! She loved who he really was! She loved Chat Noir! His true self. 

She loved him! 

That one of a kind girl fell in love with the real him. This was a fantasy come true. 

And of course things would be difficult. There is the question about his identity and how that might affect her feelings... Or not... Or would it...

Mari didn't think like that. She is too kind and caring and amazing. She is loyal and trustworthy and loves him. And they are friends in civilian life! She would be okay with this... Wouldn't she?

Yes. He thought. Mari fell in love with the real me. She wouldn't care, because she loves me! 

She was the first to fall for his true self, and he was beyond ecstatic!

He couldn't get her out of his mind, and anyone looking out would see a silly kitten heading off into a cat fight.


Marinette took a moment to gather herself before she transformed to meet up with her silly kitty.

Her silly kitty. The thought of that sent a sweet and giddy shiver up her spine.

Sure, she had fallen in love with a crazy-cat pun telling boy in a black leather suit with cat ears and a tail, but he was her crazy-cat pun telling boy in a black leather suit with cat ears and a tail. And he loved her back

They both adored one another.

But still, what would she do when she sees him as Ladybug? 

Should she tell him? Should she go against her own wishes? What if someone else finds out? What if Hawkmoth finds out and comes and kills her family??!?!

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