Chapter 4

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Sorry for the late update! I have been pretty busy lately, but here is the next chapter! And Chapter 5 will come very soon! 

I am actually going to be gone for quite some time, leaving tomorrow, so I am going to get the next few chapters in soon!

I will have time to write, so when I get back expect a lot of updates! haha! :)

Enjoy! :)



Creeping into her dreams.

The alarm was going off in its usual high pitched, dream crushing annoyance.

This continued, and along with it came a nudging. It was delicate at first. Two little paws gently stroked her face awake. But when she resisted, it became much more forceful and eventually Marinette was slapped in the face by her frustrated kwami.

"WHAT?" Marinette stood up with a shot and bonked her head on the ceiling with a loud thud. She groaned as she rubbed the top of her head.

Her kwami was trying to tell her something, but she couldn't hear over the pain coursing through her skull. Her kwami was shouting who knows what at this point.

"Yes, Tiki?" she mustered.

"You are going to be late for school, AGAIN!!!!!!"

After processing this information, which took around 30 seconds, Marinette's eyes perked up.

With this sudden shock, she dove off her bed, down the stairs, and into her closet. She grabbed whatever was closest to her, today it happened to be a flowered baby doll dress and a sweater, put on her sandals and then made a run for it.

Thankfully, her mother had made her breakfast to go, and with a swoop she and Tiki were out the door.

At least we live were near the school, she thought between rushed breaths.

Marinette leaped up the main stairs through the entrance of the school and flew up to her classroom. She was relieved to see that class had not begun yet, and people were only starting to settle in their seats.

Tiki's luck was in her favor.

With a sigh, she stumbled over to her seat next to her best friend, Alya. They had sat next to each other all year. She was her best friend and biggest supporter. She wished many times that she could tell her her secret, but she knew better.

The two had good seats close to the front of the classroom. And they so happened to be behind a certain dreamy model that Marinette was head-over heals for. Possibly head over heals. Maybe? Maybe not? She didn't know anymore.

"Good timing!" Alya patted her exhausted friend on the shoulder.

"Yeah! I woke up just in time."

It was 7:45 according to the clock above the teacher's desk at the front of the room. She had fifteen minutes to eat her breakfast as Alya typed away on her phone.

Marinette glanced down at the brown paper bag that she clutched. Opening it she found a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie which she snuck into her purse to give to Tiki. Her little friend was ecstatic and ate it with fervor. Marinette held in a giggle. She adored her sweet-toothed kwami.


Chat Noir.

She sighed lovingly, replaying all of last night's events in her head. She was in a daze once again, but this time due to a wonderful kitty rather than a painful headache. She didn't bother to think of the complications that came with caring for Chat. Just him. She leaned her face on her hand and zoned out, off into the distance with another prolonged sigh. Her heart was aching, but it was a delicious ache.

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