Princess of the Rogues

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                Not everything in life is fair. Not everything in life is easy. Not everyone will get that fairy tale ending they dream of as a kid. I guess that is me. I am one of those people. My life is a never ending horror. A horror that I wish I could escape. I long for the day that I can be free. I long for the day that I can make my own choices. Lead my own life. Be my own person.

                I am afraid my death will come first.

                Maybe I wish that death will come first.

                I am only seventeen years old but mentally feel older and tired. So tired. I am a werewolf currently living in France. I never stay in one place too long. Always on the move.Never stopping to see the destruction we leave in our wake. The suffering. The torture.

               I am not part of a pack. Well not in a conventional sense. I am caught in something I am too young to be a part of. Too evil to be a part of. 

                I may as well tell you about myself. My name is Jennifer Holly Turner. My birthday is on the 3rd of October. I never celebrate it. What is to celebrate about living when I don't really live. I survive. The only family I have is my father. I don't know any other relatives and my father wants to keep it that way. Emotional attachment is wrong so he says. Really he is too afraid I will run if I were to know who they are. 

                I don't know if I am what you call pretty. I have never been called it. Compliments aren't really my father's style and looks don't win wars. Sentiments. Weakness. All the same thing. I certainly don't feel pretty. I feel tarnished and evil. You could never change that. I am slim and toned from years and years of intense training. I am kind of average height for a female werewolf or so I am told. I am really pale for a werewolf too but my skin has few blemishes. Yet too many scars to count. What is most striking about me is my pitch black hair and with my pale skin really makes my blue eyes stand out. If only if there were a spark of life in them.

                I will tell you a bit about my werewolf kind. There are hundreds of packs dotted throughout Europe. Then all of the packs are ruled over by a Werewolf Council. They are made up of top Alphas of the larger packs and other leaders chosen by the Moon Goddess. They rule over the packs to keep everyone in line and deal with any serious crimes. If there are any serious problems, these guys will deal with it all.

                Werewolves can find their mates once they turn the age of sixteen. Some can go through life never meeting their mates. Others will meet their mates on the day that they turn sixteen. It is just whatever fate hands us. With how my life is, I don't think I will ever get that luxury. Fate is not exactly on my side.

                Other than that. There is not much you need to know about our kind. We shift at the age of sixteen for the first time. Black wolves are there for those who lead packs. No other wolf can be a black wolf, only leaders. Me, I am a black wolf. My wolf's name is Annabel or Anna for short.

                This will make you think, either I am a leader or my father is the leader of a pack. Well, I am not in a pack per say. My father is the leader of a group of 400 rogues. I don't really know the reason why my father hates the Wolf Council or why he hates the packs so much but he does. It consumes him. Every ounce of his body is full of hatred to the packs and to me. Nothing will ever change his ways. Nothing can stop him. 

                He used his vile hatred and common ground to bring in the support of hundreds of vile and murderous rogues. My dad is known as the King of the Rogues. He is heartless. He is mean. He is lying and deceptive. A murderer! He is a disgusting man who enjoys the pain of hurting someone else's loved one. He brings down packs without a second thought. He will torture and murder to get his way to the top. I hate him!

                My father goes around targeting packs one by one. Pack members start to go missing. Usually, women and children. He locks them away. He tortures mates knowing their other half can sense their pain. He makes people feel pain. He hurts people and then kills them in a blink of an eye. Slowly, the Pack comes to its knees before my dad declares war and destroys the pack to every last person. Every man. Every woman. Every child.

                Why does the werewolf council not get involved? A pack never lasts long once it has been targeted. Once their supplies and money have been ransacked we leave and move leaving only the remnants of devastation behind us. It is sick and horrible and I am caught in between it all. I am caught on the wrong side.

                I can't take it anymore. I can't take the murdering. I can't take it as I hear the screams of women who are tortured so that their mate can feel the pain until they go mad. I can't take that. It is not right. It is wrong and vile. It is abusive. I can't take this. I don't want this. Why was I born into this life? Why had fate chosen to hate me? 

                My father found his mate. He didn't care for it, the idea of a mate. He doesn't see the importance of a mate. He thinks it makes someone weak and vulnerable. When he found my mother, Holly Turner. That is where I took the second part of my name. My father's name is Kevin Blake. I wasn't taking his name at all.

                He obviously didn't want a mate but he took her. Kidnapped her from her pack. He locked her away and saw this as an opportunity to get a powerful heir to take over the legacy that he was leaving. He wanted a son. He forced her to become pregnant with me. Five months later I was born. My father was not impressed, he went into a rage and killed his own mate, my mother with his own hands. I lost my mother on the day of my birth because of him. He didn't even hide that fact. Not once. He rubbed it in my face that he had the strength to deny and kill his own mate. I was a mistake but he was still going to make me his heir. Train me to be vicious and harsh and take over his legacy.      

                That wasn't going to happen. I wasn't going to become a monster but the problem was I had him as a father. King of the Rogues. I was his daughter. Known by association. My name was already tarnished. I was already pre-judged. I was the Princess of the Rogues.

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So, this is my new story called Princess of the Rogues.

It is another werewolf story.

I hope you enjoy,

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Chloe x

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