"Holy shit!" I exclaimed when the name hit a memory.

"What, what happened?" Azrael shouted his hands fluttering around my stomach trying to find if anything was wrong with me or the baby.

"What?" Axel asked, while I slapped Azrael's hands away from me, annoyed.

"Yes, that is my best friend Chelsea from when I was a kid and my mom was still alive" I explained recalling the memories. "She had been my only friend, she drowned after falling into a pond and having her dress get caught by something, a few years after my mom died." Tears plagued my face.

"Would you like to see her" Azrael asked looking into my eyes and wiping way my tears. "Then so be it."

By the time Azrael got us to the underworld I was practically jumping with excitement. We got to the house that belonged to my Mother and Step-Father and were greeted by the workers. I wanted to run to the door but being pregnant I had to be careful since the baby is so close to being born.

"Love, relax, she is waiting for you, she isn't going anywhere." Azrael laughed holding me as we walked up the stairs.

"I wonder if she's still a little girl, don't ghost stay the same after they die?" I asked looking up at him.

"That depends on what kind of magic they are encountered with." He explained walking me through the door and into the living room of the house.

There on the large black couch next to my Mother was a woman about my age, smiling and laughing while my Mother spoke and laughed with her. I looked around for the little girl that I was expecting to see but she was no where to be found. Azrael help me sit in the Lazy boy chair after setting a pillow on it for my back then stood next to me.

"Orianna, she came back." My mother smiled as she looked over at me.

"Oreo!" She called out to me as she stood up and rushed toward me for a hug. I leaned foreword as best I could and hugged her. "Your pregnant!" She gasped.

"Your older!" I laughed pointing at her.

"Yea it would suck to meet you long time friend who is an adult, as a child wouldn't it?" She retorted.

"Your right," I smiled, "Oh, have you heard that I'm getting married?" I asked as she sat on the ground before me and rubbed my stomach.

"Oh yes your mother was here planning out a few option you might like." We both smiled as the baby began to kick.

"Good, because now that your here, I have a maid of honor!" I called out happily.

"This is all so weird, I'm a ghost, how am I able to touch and be touched, as well as seen?" She sat back, her hand falling away from me and looked at the ground. "I hope all of this isn't some sick joke."

Tears filled my eyes as I looked on at my dearest friend. I could see all the pain she wouldn't speak of and it hurt me to know that she was in this alone. I wouldn't allow her to wallow in this pain long.

"Sea, if this is even a dream, I don't want to ever wake up. "I sniffed and held my arms open for her to hugg me. She did.

I know you ladies are having a touchy moment but, can we cut all the tears before we have a flood?" I slowly pulled out of the hug to see, the twins standing there looking like ying and yang.

"Shut up, before I make the both of you wear dresses to the wedding, make up and all" I threated as I sniffed back the fading tears. Alex gasped like a woman in shock, Axel rolled his eyes, puckered his lips and held up his right arm like he was holding a purse in the crook of his elbow.

"What. Ever. We'd make sexy women, I'm mean look at these booties" He said in a girlie voice before he and Alex turned and began to bounce their butts like strippers.

"I knew there was something off about them!" Everyone laughed.

"We are not gay, we are just comfortable with our sexuality." Alex defended.

"Yea and I'm the president of the underworld." Chelsea called out as she rolled on the ground laughing.

"Hey new girl, shut up." The twins shouted in unison.

"Oh bite me!" She laughed. Before i could warn her against saying such a think, the twins looked at each other for a moment before reappearing at each side of her, each on of them holding on of her arms.

"Where would you.." Axel began "like to be bitten?" Alex finished. Chelsea stopped her laughing and looked  up at me worried.

"Yea, they take demands seriously, depending on who says it, it seems like they have taken a liking to you." Azrael chuckled.

"Well if thats the case we can save the biting for later." She winked at them. Shocked they let her go and she stood up. My mother stood up and shook her head.

"Women are deadly creatures, be careful when you challenge one" She warned before Following some of the servant out to the kitchen.

"Any way, I guess we could start the wedding preparation sooner than I thought." I announced looking up at Azrael who still stood by me.

"I'll take the guys out and get them their needs, and you stay here and take it easy." He kissed my forehead and walked over to the twins. Shaking his head he muttered a few words after placing his hands on their shoulders. They disappeared.

"Woah, howd he do that?" Sea asked looking confused.

"They're reapers, you get used to it after a while, any way we have a wedding to plan."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I finally did it :) Comment vote tell me what you thought.

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