The Lost Friend

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I felt sluggish when I woke up at 10 in the morning. Azrael was still asleep. His clothes, I noticed, were different than when I fell asleep. They were black and red in color. His pants were baggy with red stitching and his shirt was a black tank top with a red fishnet T-shirt. I looked passed him and on the floor near the door there was a large black trench coat and black boots with metal on the tip.

"Hay!' I said tapping his forehead. He moaned grabbed my hand and moved it to his cheek before falling to sleep again. I lightly scratched his face while pulling my hand away.

"Why are you up so early?" He groaned peaking an eye open at me.

"What's with the get-up?" I asked ignoring his question.

'What-"He froze then looked down at his outfit."I had to reap a soul" He mumbled looking up at me.

"Who was it?" I felt compelled to ask as I sat up as best as I could.

"Honestly, I don't want to tell you who." He paused gauging me reaction.

"Yeah, but your going to tell me anyway." I shrugged staring at him.

"I don't want you to get stressed or worried or anything like that" He pleaded prolonging the information I wanted.

"Tell me who the fuck it was!" I snapped becoming annoyed with him.

"It was Derrick okay," He snapped back. "Derrick is dead and honestly it about time." He sat up, getting out of the bed before stripping his clothes off.

"How did he die?" I asked sitting there staring at nothing in particular.

"See now your all depressed and that's not good for the baby." He grunted while lift his shirt and stepping on the edge of his pants to get them of at the same time.

"We're hungry, I'm gonna go down stairs and make me some breakfast." I sighed giving up on the conversation.

As I made the trek down stairs, the house phone began to ring. I groaned and made the extra walk to the living room where the closest phone was.

"Hello?" I asked resting my free hand against the middle of my back.

"Hey mama, hows it going? Alex's voiced called in through the receiver.

"Hi, Alex, I'm alright, are the both of you taking care of my company?" I asked sounding like a mother scolding her child.

"Yes, we are on lunch break, Axel is busy eating a subway sandwich but he says hi, and" he paused for a moment, and I could hear Axel trying to talk with a mouth full of food. "And rub your belly for him and me."

"Sure, no problem." I laughed. "Is there something you wanted?" I waddled to the kitchen and began to make breakfast.

"Yeah, it's more about you really." Alex said while I leaned sideways slightly to reach the bacon in the draw of the fridge. "Hades contacted us and told us that in the spirit world there is a woman there that says she knows you and that she wants to see you again."

"A dead woman that knows me and wants to see me again?" I mumbled, The only dead woman I know is my mother." I pouted as I tried to figure out who it was.

"Babe, who's that?" Azrael asked coming through the kitchen entrance. I stared at him for a moment before going back to my conversation on the phone.

"Did you catch a name by any chance?" I asked thinking maybe the name would be familiar.

"Umm yea, her name is Chelsea Addams, she says you were friends." Alex explained, I could hear him flipping through pages as he spoke, probably reading from them.

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