Chapter 16

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I felt hands on the back of head as the blindfold began to be undone.
I had to give my eyes a moment to adjust and after blinking several times and squinting, I realized I had seen this man before...

Story Tellers POV 
"You.. You're the ghoul that helped me turn myself in a half ghoul," Hide's vision was still blurry but he knew what he saw.

"Yes, you said you were doing it for love and us ghouls we needed more power besides you kept your end of the bargain," the man spoke.
He had on rough dirty jeans and his shirt was ripped practically to shreds, but Hide decided not to comment on it he didn't know what this man has been through after all.

"Alright so you're the ghoul they call 'The Defiant One' how about a real name? You never would tell me it," Hide questioned.

"And I still won't," The Defiant One answered, "I don't trust names so call me Colt or something."

Hide looked at him puzzled. "First of all why Colt and why doesn't he trust names," Hide thought.
"Well either way Colt it is.." Hide muttered.

Colt shifted his weight, squinted his eyes and analyzed Hide as if he was a test rat before charging forth and attacking Hide.

Hide instinctively released his kagune  and yellow and orange spikey flame like things came off of the back arms and lower arms as well as the back of his lower legs.

"Oooh thats one of the more intresting kagune's that I've seen," Colt said actually a little amazed.

"How can I trust you when you do things like that!!" Hide furiously yelled. His eyes were hard but in less than a few seconds they went soft and he calmed a bit. "All of this is really changing me huh?.." he sheepishly scratched his head and looked at his feet. Colt just gave him a little time before saying, "I just wanted to see what your kagune was like you can trust me I promise, but first lets get out of here."

They left the room they were in and cautiously looked around. Hide's eyes went wide and Colt overed his mouth before he could ket out a gasp.
"We are still here. Still in this place. Just a different room. How did he get in here? Did they let him in? What was supposed to happen if this guy wouldn't have shown up?" Hide pondered.

"Save your questions for later all you need to know is that I'm wearing a lab coat and a name tag and they won't be suspicious until they see us leaving because I shouldn't be taking a ghoul out of here. So act normal and do as I say."
Hide looked up at him his nervousy showing clearly like a beacon in darkness.
"Hands behind your back."
"Huh? Wh-" Hide was cut off by handcuffs clicking his hands together behind his back. Hide let out a soft sigh and muttered, "This better be necessary."

Colt pushed him forward and started to walk. Where ever they were was busy, people with lab coats and grim and serious faces walked along the hallways and Hide hardly got even a short glance from anyone, which he assumed was good.

They weaved their way through the building and towards a back way out. "Should be less people this way come on follow me."

They were able to slip out without anyone noticing until the last second. Hide could see them frantically run in yelling about me leaving and as Colt broke into a sprint straight into a car, he could hear the sound of an alarm.

Hide swung his legs into the car and didn't bother with the seat belt because he hardly had time to shut the door before Colt was skidding away in the car.

Hide's heart pounded in his chest, rapidly and seemingly worryingly as if his heart had a mind of its own.

"Everything will be okay everything will be okay everything will be okay"
The words repeated in his mind over and over. They echoed through is head without end.

"But is everything really going to be okay," he muttered it nothing above a whisper and it seemed as if it went unnoticed or perhaps Colt was just to busy evading cars and racing through the streets at top speed. Colt looked into his review mirror to see red and blue flashing lights and the faint sound of a siren.

"They're still in the distance we'll be fine," Colt reassured however it seemed he was only reassuring himself.

Hide tried to process everything that was happening but it was just too much. Finally, the only words that would come out were, "what's in it for you? I mean why are you-" Hide was cut off by a simple short and sweet answer.

"I promised Kaneki I'd get him out of there I've got to get him out."

Cops chased them but they managed to get away, although Hide knew they probably didn't have much time.

They parked the car and ran into an old building with a gross eroded sort of look to it.

"The cell he's in should be in the back we can get him and get out.. If we aren't too late already."

Hide's body froze with fear, he hadn't even thought about that.

"Too late.. What if we're too late."

He started to hyperventilate and pushed his way through the back entrance if the old building without a care. His eyes quickly searched for his love. The one he hadn't seen in God knows how long. The one he loved and the one he missed.

"I wouldn't be able to live without him. I've already given up my life for him and I couldn't imagine things without him.."

Hide gasped loudly as his eyes caught sight of Kaneki bloodied and bruised lying on the floor. He looked so thin that he was scared if he touched him he might break.

Hide never ran so fast as he did towards that cell. He didn't know if it was locked or if the amount of adrenalin he had allowed him to force the cell door open but it mattered not.

He drove onto the floor and tears were already spilling from his eyes. Drop after drop hitting the dirty cement floor with a soft pitter patter. The first thing Hide did was anxiously check his neck for a pulse.

Well Christmas eve at the moment but almost Christmas. I'll be updating again within two days from now. I tried to make the chapter a decent length. Sorry for not updating in a while I've been dealing with finals. It's passed now though and I got good grades and will be able to focus more on this now!!

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