You Aren't Alone ✔

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Naruko's POV

I was walked down a dirt path, exhausted.

"Ugh... How much longer?" I groaned to myself, stopping as I saw something in my peripheral vision. I looked up, a grin plastering itself across my face as I saw them. Konoha's gates. I squealed, running forwards.

When I reached the entrance, 2 gatekeepers stood up from their seats.

"Who are you?" One of them asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki. I'm looking for a place to stay. I also want to attend your... Academy thing." I panted, my hands on my knees.

One of them cocked their eyebrow. They started whispering to each other.

"What are your names?" I pointed to the 2 of them.

"I'm Izumo, and that's Kotetsu." Izumo said. I nodded.

"We're gonna have to take you to the Hokage," Kotetsu scratched the back of his head.

I nodded, following as they led me through my new home; through the winding streets, past the market stands, right by the curious, happy citizens who peered at me with furrowed eyebrows.

We arrived at a large, circular building with the Hokage sign at the top. I followed them up the stairs and down the hall, until they stopped at a large, wooden door.

I shrugged and swung it open, marching inside.

Izumo and Kotetsu sighed, and walked in after me. The Hokage's eyes widened at the sight of me. I raised an eyebrow at him, confused.

Hokage's POV

This girl... She looks so much like Naruto! How is this possible?! Kushina and Minato never told me of a second child..!

"Who is she?" I asked Izumo and Kotetsu.

"She said she wanted to live here and go to the Academy. Her name is-" Izumo was cut off by the girl.

"My name is Naruko Uzumaki! You better fucking believe it." She grinned, griving me a thumbs up. My eyes bulged and my pipe fell from my mouth as my jaw dropped.

"Hey, old man, you alright?" she asked.

She even calls me old man! And her name! Naruko... Naruto... Not to mention her surname... There is no doubt...

"Good god... Izumo, Kotetsu, could you leave for a moment?" I asked.

They nodded, leaving us to speak privately.

Naruko's POV

"Whats wrong, dude? You seem tense." I said bluntly.

"I-I'll get you an apartment... And some money, and I will enroll you in the Academy. Do you have any ninja experience?" He questioned me.

I nodded. "Hell yes! I'm the best!" I yelled with a thumbs up. Oh, cool, that rhymed!

He sweatdropped and yelled, "Kakashi!"

I raised an eyebrow. Isn't that a cereal?

Suddenly a cloud of smoke exploded from behind me. I whipped around with a surprised yelp. There was a man; wearing a navy blue mask that covered his left eye, a Konoha headband that kept back his lopsided silver hair, and he also wore a camo green Jounin vest.

Book 1: You Aren't Alone DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now