Chapter 1

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Jacks p.o.v

After 2 hours I go in to see my wife who just gave birth to my baby girl. I went in and saw a baby girl she hade my hair color and eyes, just by looking at her I could tell she will have a body like Merida I frowned no boy should be near my princess... "Merida she is not allowed to date until she's 35." I said "jack she is just born and you are already an over protective Father." Merida said while laughing I smiled and laughed I kissed her on the check and said "I love you." we heard laughing I looked down at my daughter and smiled. I made a little snowflake on her nose and she started to move her hands around and threw a snowball at me I moved and another one landed in my face she has my powers and Merida's impossible aim. just than punzie and Flynn came in with there 2 year old son hiccup they congratulated us on the baby while hiccup just kept on pocking face and asking "how much did she cost?why is Merida not fat anymore?, what is her name?, where did she come from?, why is she so small." We all laughed at hiccups curiosity. than suddenly we heard a scream I turned to see my panked wife and my daughter in the Hands of pitch black....I grabbed my staff and yelled"LET HER GO" "let me think ummmmmm no." said pitch I shot ice at him but he dogged it than punzie and Flynn started helping me "fine her you go." said pitch and he threw my daughter, but I cached her in time "ill go and never come back on one condition you must give her up and when she turns 17 on her birthday she must kill me if she fails than this world will be mine and I have all rights to your wife's body and if you decline than I will kill her and your wife will be mine and hiccup will die as well." Said pitch and with that he left we all lolled at each other Merida knew there was no other option "what do you want to name it she asked?" "I always liked the name Elsa, now you pick the middle name." I said "hummmm well I always liked the middle name Irina." said my wife "so it's settled her name is Elsa Irina frost." "yep" "what's her name?" asked Flynn and Punzie "meet Elsa Irina Frost." I said proudly "hii Elsa I'm hiccup u guess we are like cousins, but we are not related by the way don't ask your dad for help in science cause he's dumb and good for nothing , Merida is good in sports she's your mom by the way, my mommy her name is Punzie she's good in art and cooking and my daddy Flynn is only good if you want to steal something." said hiccup I frowned if stupid pitch had not threaten us than hiccup and Elsa could have been good friends..

5 hours later

Still Jack's p.o.v

Elsa and hiccup both fell asleep I picked them up and put them in an alleyway. I kissed each of them good bye I put there first name of course and left.

15 years later

The big 4 (Jack, punzie, Merida, Flynn) p.o.v

We watched our kids grow up saying their first words calling the wrong people mom or dad...we watched them grow uup ur the painful part is they can't see us and we never got to see them grow up first hand stupid pitch I'd it was not for him than our children would have been with us .....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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