Pair of teases part 2

Start from the beginning

"Please just hear me out ok? Please don't assume shit because I know that's what you're doing now, y/n" her voice again changed to more worried and fragile

I finally sit next to her, we face each other and I can sense her nervousness. I have no idea what she's about to say and I hope I'm over reacting but my brain keeps think of the worst thing possible. She's a cheat...  that's all I can think of. The silence, it's killing me, what's going on? Why can't she just tell me the truth? The longer she's quiet the more I start to panic (at the disco 😏 anyone? No? Ok then ... just keep reading)

"Just tell me before I lose my mind and say something that I don't mean" I couldn't take the pain anymore, I need to know what's going on

"I thought it'd be easier to say but now that you're here in front of me I can't think of the words to say to you. I practised so much lately but right now I'm just as scared as you are" She begins to ramble, one of her nervous ticks "You know that I love you, right? And I never want to lose you. So, when I say what I'm about to say please listen to me and hear me out" she takes in a large breath "I want a baby with you"

I sat there in silence. I guess it's about time she admitted it but the real question is: am I ready to be a parent? Are we ready? 

"Babe? Are you ok? You haven't said anything"

"A baby?" That's all I can say

"Well yeah. I mean we have a steady income, steady environment, we have so much love to give y/n and I know that I want to love another part of you. Please y/n? We aren't kids anymore. We're grown up, we have a big home and no one to share it with. Did you really think the room was for my goddaughters?" She laughed slightly but I still sat there dazed

"Baby? You want a baby? A child? A small human?" I can't fathom then idea right. I mean it's me. I'm clumsy, idiotic, dirty minded-

"Yes y/n a small human" she giggles at my wording "I know that you're scared because it's all new to you but you can do this. You have me, your mum, your friends. Your brother is about to have a baby too. Imagine it y/n our kids growing up together, same nursery, primary, comprehensive (I'm British and that's how our schooling goes so you can change it to whatever you do. I don't know a lot about other school system). They'll grow up to be the greatest of friends, don't throw the idea out yet" she pleads with me. It's a great to think about our children to e that close but am I ready?

"Ok" I mumble

"Ok? What? You-you want to try?" She eyes begin to water and my confession

"Yeah I do. I mean I may not be ready but who isn't. Parenting isn't easy and like you said we have a great support network around us as if you really want to try then I want that too" I finally show some expression and smile at her. She has tears running down her face, and her hands wiping them away

"I'm so happy you want to try" she closes the gap between us and connects our lips in a heated and passionate kiss

"Let's start right away, yeah?" Her voice became sexy and she pushed me on the bed before straddling me waist

"Oh I'm defiantly ready" I smirk before kissing her neck

"There's a lot more to do PAPI"

Six months later

Lauren's P.O.V

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now