Chapter 11

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A.N first of all you guys, YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

18K reads!? Thats 2,000 more than the last time I checked!theres a girl in my school who was delighted she has 4K and everyone's be like 'zOMG!' Imagine if I told people about mine xD Its just all so amazing and I've gotten nothing but positive feedback from y'all! It's been a long journey, 2 years so far but I will try and get this finished up ASAP!!i have to get through some exams but this summer this will be finished I swear it!!! Have to start working on something else when I go to college ;)


Devon had not only walked me to lunch that day, but he also sat down and ate with me. Like, he actually STAYED with me? I sat down at my usual place in the middle of the cafeteria, with no one by me as usual as well, except I was surprised to see Devon place a tray next to mine and takes seat next to mine. I had just stared at him retardedly as if a load of confetti just exploded from his eyes. "So tell me a bit about yourself" he said very calmly as he tucked into his fries,only looking up at me as he chewed,with a cocky smile. When I didn't reply, he continued "like, what do you like to do?" I was sitting boldly up straight, and didn't realise how uncomfortable it was until I started talking "Uhm, stuff I suppose" shrugging and slouching more toward my food. He laughed softly, and it made me smile for a bit, before I put on my attitude again "Alright Mr Smart-Guy laugh all you want..." He swallowed what was left of his food in his mouth and smiled again showing perfect white teeth. Well almost perfect, his two front teeth were slightly crooked, but nothing that was majorly noticeable. Except to me cause I was staring at them moronically.


"What?" I babbled, and my jaw stiff from leaning it on my hand.

He laughed musically again

"I said I didn't mean to insult you, I just wanted to get to know you, is that a crime?"

I stared down at my food kinda sheepishly,

"Not really so"

"So what music are you into?"






He sat back into his seat and looked down disappointedly. I don't even know why I was being so harsh, he seemed nice.

I decided it was better to nip this thing in the bud before it sprouted so I gathered my stuff and stood up

"Look it's been great and all..."


I was barely standing up before I felt a soft but strong hand around my wrist fixing me to my place so I couldn't go any further, it felt strange, his touch. Sorta magnetic. He didn't let go of me and I sorta didn't want him to. I sat back down and he started to smile again. "Look, this is going to sound weird, but, Uhm well...I know you, you probably don't know me but uh I...i want to get to know you, if you know, like if you want but Uhm...god I sound stupid.." His face for all flushed and he started muttering and looking nervous, then it knew exactly what he wanted...

"Hey look pal you can fuck off if you think I'm just going to.." But he stopped me before I could finish, by pulling my wrist that he still hadn't let go off, so we were only inches apart...

"No! Nothing like that! I'm just saying I've seen you around and we had detention together before, you probably don't remember, but what I'm trying to say is....shit ok, will you go out on a date with me?" That last sentence came so fast out of his mouth I barely understood it. I was quite shocked myself to be honest, I had never been asked out on a date properly before.

"Uhm....I'll think about it" I said cautiously "I'll get back to you" I hadn't a notion of getting back to him but at least it was better than leaving him there all puppy dog sad eyes

His eyes lit up and he fished for a pen in his pants pocket,

"Great! I'll give you my number, so I'm not bothering you later! Just call me whenever!" He scribbled down some numbers on a napkin and slid it across the table to me, and as I took it, our fingers brushed, making us look at each other for a moment.

I shook my self and got up, taking the napkin and shoving it in my pocket

"Ya see around" as I swung my bag over my shoulder and got out of the cafeteria as fast as I could. For the whole day I ignored what happened, but couldn't help but think about how he said he knew me, and detention...then it hit me!! I smiled to myself as I remember the goofy kid in detention with me almost two years ago, acting all macho in there but I could tell he was scared to death when his parents found out. What really tugged at my heart strings was when my dad came to the school to collect me, furious that he had to wait two hours and he had no shame in hitting me in public. But the dorky kid was walking close behind me, carrying a mountain of books, and dropped everything to try and tackle my father when he heard my whimper after the slap across the head I had just received. Of course the kid was tiny and was easily pushed aside, my dad didn't even give him a second glance. To be honest, I never thought much of it until that moment. That goofy kid was Devon...I kept thinking about that time and pulled out the napkin, looking at the digits fondly. I pulled out my phone and typed the numbers into the battered keys.

"Hey Devon? This is Andrea..."

And it all started from there...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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