Chapter 6

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Oct, 1 (YAY! I got a calander!)

oh gosh! It's been like 20 days since i wrote last. EECK!

nothing happened today really, you know work,hanging out,work,sleep. I really just wanted to have the date down so i WILL remeber it.

Oct, 2

Ok, so remeber that guy i did a job for like the day after i got my diary? Yeah, well, he's been coming back lately and after a couple of the other girls with him, he's been requesting me to do it. I don't  know if i should be a bit flatered or a bit freaked!

wierd. oh gd my life is soooooo boring!

Oct, 7

OK, Im getting a little freaked out. That same guy has had me almost every second night for the past week!If I didn't know better, I would have thought he was trying to get me pregnant or something! But hey,

 i get like $500 a job so I've like $2000 already going towards my little suburb house in New York. Yeah, I wanna move to New York. Brit says it's amazing. Im going to have an apartment for a few years, then i'll meet Mr. Right, get married and move into my dream house.

I'll have three kids, two boys and one girl. My eldest boy will be named after my husband because he'll look like him and the younger son will be named James(unless my husband's name is James, then he'll be Conor)

 My daughter will be called Emma. I'll treat her like a princess and she'll be on the cheerleading team and have loads of friends. And on her prom, she'll wear a beautiful rose pink dress,and her date will stare in awe at this beautiful girl coming down the stairs, he'll put the corsage around her wrist and lead her out to the limo them and there friends paid together to bring them to and from the prom.

She'll have the most amazing time and know her parents are proud of her and her date loves her. And we'll live all happily.....



Oh god. I'm crying now. Jesus i'm such a baby. This is your life Andrea. Get over it! Stop dreaming.

shit a tear fell and all the ink is smudging!

yeah so i think im going to take a week off the job and get a little relaxed

night night diary (shit that sounds corny!)


hey you guys. I know this chapter is a little short and doesn't do much for the story line but i wanted to put this so that it doesn't go too fast. Like a filler if you know what i mean :D


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