Chapter 4

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oh, crap. I forgot the date. No calander!

I haven't written in a couple of days so i'm completely lost on the date train (i don't even think thats a real expression but who cares, this is MY diary)

So, we got a new girl. Her name is Britany. She's really nice and she is now the second youngest of the group being 20. Were really good friends after what happened at Davis's.

Oh yeah, I haven't wrote about him yet. He is the head gang leader of Las Vegas. He's sorta our friend. He gives us protection if we give him and his gang free sex. So every Friday night we go and hang with him and his gang(if were not called out for work), but I had to bring Britany over the day she came so that they could 'iniatiate' her as they like to call it. They basically have sex with her and call her their property. They did it with all of us. But hey, it's our job, and if it means protection in this crazy hell hole of danger, im all for it.

We got to the front door and knocked three times in a specific order to let them know it was us. We had to wear our sluttiest unifoms. I wore my red dress with slits all the way up the sides with a killer black heels and a leather jacket. Britany wore a boob-tube with a leather mini-skirt.

One of the gang member's, Keith, answered the door. "Hey sexy legs!" He grabbed me around the waist, and of course, I had to be into it. Keith wasn't a bad guy really. He was a bit rough but he was nice to us and he was only in his mid twenties. He pulled me to his waist and i wrapped my leg around his and my arms snaked around his neck. He leaned in to make-out with me but then annother guy slapped him hard on the back and he stopped.

The other guy was Westley. He was also a nice guy. "Hey beautiful.." he started but then saw Britany "..Beautifuls!" a big smile grew on his face. "Can we come in?" I asked. Without a reply, the two stepped aside and let us walk in.

As soon as you could hear the clicking of my heels on the wood floor, all the heads in the room shot towards my direction and eyes popes and tongues hanged. I winked to some of them. "Dav.." I started to call but he already walked out after all the wolf whistles started. "Andrea, baby!" he walked over to me and held my waist. He kissed my neck, and rested his hand on my but. "This is Brittany, she's new." i said to Davis. He stopped at my collar bone and looked up at Brittany. He pulled away from me and gave me a slap on my ass, indicating he was finish with me, then walked over to Brittany. She seemed shy and a bit nervous. He walked around her eyeing her boob, then ass, legs and then her actually face.

Davis slid his arm around her waist, and she winced a bit. I looked at her a bit concerned. She had an expression on her face like she was in pain. Davis lifted her up at the waist and i thought i saw tears well up in her eyes.


"Davis, em, i think shes hur..." i started before he gave me a shove, causing me to stumble on the couch, where two guys were sitting. And of course, i landed on their laps. The guy immediately wrapped his arms round my waist, making sure i couldnt get away


"Shut up Andrea babe....I'm busy" He had placed Brit on the ground where she held her waist. He was looking down at her and had an evil looking smile on his face. "Hey, babe, lets take this to the back room" he grabbed her wrist and yanked her to a bedroom in the back. Leaving me alone with all the guys. I freed myself from the guy holding me down and walked to the center of the room. All the eyes were on me and i heard a few sinister laughs. I stayed there, looking around at the men. Then Mike, one of the younger men of the gangs stand up and walk over to me. He gave me a shove so i was pushed into the wall, and then he cornered me. I had never actually felt scared,but unlike keith and Westley, Mike was rough. And he was one of the few guys here i actually hated and were scraed of.

"Hey Babe, some of the guys dont believe i have the bigest d!ck here and i wanted you to tell them that its the biggest d!ck you've ever sucked" He gave me a wink and and a sinister smile. His eyes said he had something planned but i could guess. "Ehm, Yeah, I think its really big." I felt i knew what he was going to do next. He smiled and placed his hand on the back of my neck. He looked down and when i followed his eyes path, i saw he was unbuttoning his pants. Knew it, I thought.

He looked at me again."I think you need a reminder" He smile wickedly and shoved my face down, forceing my legs to collapse. i was know kneeling on the ground with his 'little friend' hanging out from his pants. "Suck it" he said, the humour from his voice that was there previously. The gang could get very violent, and they would make any excuse to hit you.

I got on my knees and threw my hair back. His d!ck got hard. I held it and just when i was about to suck it but Keith came over and punched him. "Dude, cop the fuck on. Shes our bitch!" He smiled at me and helped me up. Another member,Dan,stood up and took my hand and brought me to a bedroom.


Afterwards i walked out in a blanket wrapped around me (Dan thought it would be hilarious to through my dress out the window) and i found Britany sitting on the ground outside the room Davis brought her in. She looked shocked. She had a blanket round her too. I could see bruises all up her arm and she cradled the side of her ribs.

I sat next to her. She looked like she had seen a ghost. "Im guessing that was your first job?" I spoke slowly. She looked at me and i saw a tear well down her cheek. "Not exactly." I Looked at her bruise and saw that it spread around to her waist. "Please don't tell me Davis did that to you?" I asked. She looked at her arm and her ribs. "No, my dad..." I looked at her a bit shocked. She saw the look on my face and sighed "I'll explain. My dad is a drug dealer. Well, was. He got put in jail. He always abused my mom and me.He raped me the first time when i was 14. He would get really mad at times." she shifted the blanket so her waist was showing. There was a horrible scar there with varicose veins running from it to her back and up her ribs. "He came home one night and started beating me. My mom tried to stop him, and he shot her" i saw tears well up in her eyes. "I was so upset, i lunged at him, and he shot me in the waist."

I bent over and hugged her. When Davis lifted her up by the waist he put strain on her hip. And having a ride with him didnt do any good for it either. "My dad, was an alcholic. My mom killed herself when i was fourteen" i started. I felt it was only fair to share with her after she shared with me. "He never cared for me. My mom was a hooker too. Nana was her best friend. She didnt want this life for me, but when she died, I stayed with her and eventually found my way into the business.

It was round 3 in the morning when we decided we had to leave. We grabbed a few of the guys shirts and left. We became so close after that.! It felt good to have someone who came from the same background as you. Wow, just re-reading what i wrote and thinking of my mom. I dont really remember her, but im thinking about what my life would have been life if she wasnt a hooker. I'd be a normal 18 year old, who worried about prom and boyfriends. I love all my girls, but why did i have to get this life. God, im tearing up now. How stupid.



i know i dont upload alot but i made this EXTRA long for y'all!!!

please comment,rate, fan, what ever :D

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