Chapter 3

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Wedsday, 28th Aug,

So today i walked past my old school going to the shop for Nana. Cookie was out aswell. As soon as i saw some of the people used to be in my class, I shot my head straight down, hoping none of them would recognise me. I heard peole talking already about me, "Oh My God, is that Andrea....I heard she's a bigger whore than before....she's a hooker now....she fucked James last week on the strip....what a slut!"

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. If they only knew.

Cookie nudged me,"hey, you ok? Take no notice, they don't understand. Thats why you have Me and Tina and Becky and Nana" I looked up at her and smiled. She put her arm around me and hugged me. "ANDREA!?" The voice sounded painfully familiar. I sighed, took a deep breath and turned around. I braced myself for some guy in my class asking for a discount or could we do him in the school bleachers. It was the exact opposite. I actually wished I was originally right though.

"hey, Andrea." the tall, dark haired guy that walked up to me had a shy smile on his face. I gasped and held my breath. Cookie nudged me again. She looked at me and then at him. "OK, look, if you looking for a ride, go fuck yourself, she's a human, just like you and just like me. Now go to your stupid friends and tell them no such luck, so beat it!" she poked him and got very defensive. She stood in front of me and blocked him from my view.

"Devon.." i whispered. His eyes lit up imediately. Cookie looked at me and backed up then. I stood there with my oversised hoodie in the way as i fumbled to cross my arms. I looked down, with the occasional glance up. He moved closer. "Hey, how you doing" the pang in my chest lifted as i spoke. "Good...." i shuffled my feet "Look, I know thing are a bit awkward now but I just want to let you know that I don't think of you the way they do, I remember you, the real you." he said, moving closer. Everyone had gone inside the school and he was the only one outside with us.

"is it actually true?" he asked shyly "That your, a prostestitute?" I sighed and kept looking down at my feet. I sniffed and rubbed my nose, hiting my stud "OUCH!" i cussed in response. Devon chuckled. "Hey, remeber when i went with you to get that done? And you were going to get you tongue done too but i begged you not too because it ment I couldn't kiss you for a week?" I felt the pang again.

"Yep" i said quietly "You should probably get to class. I have to go now any way" I felt the tears well up again. "Oh, Ok. It was nice seeing you again. It was like old times. Maybe we could meet up again. Catch a movie or something?" he said hopefully. I started walking slowly backwards. "Em, I don't know, I'm busy during week nights if you know what i mean." I turned to walk away and Cookie came up next to me. "Oh, ok." he said weakly. It broke my heart.

I turned around, "Devon, wait!" He was about to walk away but shot around at the sound of my voice. I pulled out a pen from my bag and jogged up to him. I took his hand and wrote my phone number on the back of it. "Call me on Monday and Thursday nights and during the day on wedsnesday and friday mornings." He smiled brightly. God how I used to love his smile. He bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. It wasn't even a peck. A kiss. My eyes widened and my body froze. He jogged backwards "Call you later!" he said before turning around and running back into the school.

I gasped and turned back to Cookie. Who gave me and evil look. "Who was that!" she asked. "That was, um, Devon. "I mumbled. "Andrea. WHO was he?" she asked again implying what was my relationship status with him. "Devon was my boyfriend when I was in school" She tutted. "And why did you tense up and give him your number?" she asked again with disaprovement in her tone. "Because Cookie" I started. "I loved him"

Before she could say another word, ERRY DAY IM SHUFFLEING rang out from the back pocket of my grey skinny jeans. ""Hello?"

"Andrea, this is Tina. Becky has the cold and needs medicine. It's really bad. Oh and Nana also said get another packet of Morning After pills and condoms. We got a new girl"

"Ok then, see ya in a few."

Yea, I know, so much drama. It sounds so stupid. Anyway, I got to bring the new girl, Britnany to Davis and his gang.

ttyl xxx

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