Chapter 5

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look her up gang, please :D xx

ehm, i think i'll just skip the date again.

Alright, so. What is going on in the world. SHIT ALL!!!!! Cookie got her hair done again, it's been two weeks since her last root touch up, I got my tongue pierced but then I remembered what Devon said so I started crying before the needle was out of the packet! I don't know why but since last week outside the school i keep thinking about him. It's kinda depressing.

Nana also collected our earnings and put them away. What she does each week is collect all our money and take 20% for food, 60% into our own personal bank acconts for the future (In my case, she puts some in a college fund. She's hoping I could go to an evening class onetime and try to get a degree) and the rest our own spending money for whatever we please.

So me and Cookie went to the cinema with Becky, Britany and Tina. We walked into the lobby and of course who are the most likely people i would see on a friday night? MY OLD CLASS MATES!! yaaaay(sarcasim!) I kept my head down and hid behind my girls, but i heard that whiney voice of Dana "OH My GOD!!! It's Andrea and the H.O.E.S!" she whispered that last part to the girl next to her. Dana used to be my best friend in school, but she always messed around with me and Devon's relationship. She really liked him and tried to steal him for herself. I sighed and turned to her. "Dana! Hey." i said in a monotone. Cookie turned round to see her and crossed her arms. She eyed her up and down and smirked.

"Sorry but what are you staring at?" she said cheekily to Cookie. Cookie smiled bak at her "Oh, I just wanted to see what kinda slut has the nerve to call me a hoe!" still smiling. Dana's jaw dropped. "How DARE you!" she snapped. She raised her hand to slap Cookie, But Cookie walked over and gave her a shove, causing Dana to fall back. "Oh, and if you're gunna wear heels? Learn how to keep your balance. You could topple over very easily" Cookie bent down and smiled, blew her a kiss and turned back to all of us. I lifted my hand for a hi-5 and we both snapped our fingers together and patted our hip. It was our thing since we first met.

"Well at least I dont have sex for $20!" Dana hissed. Cookie stoped and turned on her heel. She walked slowly over to Dana and bent down to her on the floor.She had a serious look on her face."When your mom and baby brother are starving cause you live out on the streets,you'd do almost anything,like lets say, sell your virginity at 14. Yeah, call me then, and tell me that $20 dollars doesn't looks good!" Cookie spat at Dana. Dana actually looked shocked and speachless. I looked at Cookie opened mouthed. She had never used her past as a comeback. She came back to us smiling, as if nothing happened. We all walked into the cinema screen together.

After the movie, we were all laughing but then Cookie stopped suddenly. We all looked to see where see was looking at. Or who. Dana was walking over to us a bit nervously. Cookie walked off with no hesitation. I was about to follow her but Dana spoke up. "Could I talk to you for sec, Andrea?" she said with a little bit of seriousness in her voice. I turned to Tina, Britany and Becky. "Um, I'll catch up with you guys." I smiled at them and they walked over to Cookie. "So, what's the problem?" I sighed. Dana looked at me and let out a breath. "We.were really close before. I'm sorry about you and Devon. I was jealous. And I'm also sorry for what I said in the lobby to you and your, um, friends. Especially the blonde one. Whats her name?" "Sarah. But nobody calls her that. It's Cookie now."I spoke low.

"Oh, OK. So anyway, Devon hasnt stopped talking about you since you walked past the school. I think he hopes you and him might get back together. I really care about him,but when we were dating, he'd always talk about you. I just want to let you know your after getting him really excited about this now, so please, don't hurt him" she said barely above a whisper. The cold air hung around us. When i fiunally let go of my breath, the steam you could see blew back into my face to warm it up. Her words made me dizzy. I held my head and turned to leave. "Bye Dana." and walked off.

I couldn't believe it. Devon talked about me when he was in a relationship with Dana. Constintanly. (pardon my spelling. remeber, MY diary) I feel light headed just thinking about Devon now.

OOHHH!!!!! its sore!! I'm going to get Paracitemol(Spelling!!!)

night diary..xx

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