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recreational writer - "My heart feels so many emotions, the pain he feels, how he thinks he should act. How his grief consumed him, made him obsessed, and then all he needed was that " sorry", the acceptance from her, and he changed, because it really wasn't him. He thought it was what he was supposed to do, as an older brother filled with grief, and pain, pining for his little sister. They had all the money in the world, but he still couldn't protect her. When he finally decided to admit his feelings for his wife, the past of what he did come back....And then she's pregnant! But does she forgive him? I wanna know so badly, I an so depressed it says "you have reached the end, I keep scrolling back and forth hoping it's a lie!!!! I'm filled with so much emotions, it's insane!!!! I'm literally choked up right now!

ButterflyQueen1685 - "Simply amazing.  It was perfect and everything they deserved after all that they have been through. Your story actually leaves me a bit speechless. I don't have the right words to describe how it made me feel, what I've learned from it, or my appreciation for one of the greatest story I have come across in my life time. You wrote such a beautiful trilogy and I'm so lucky to have been able to experience it. Thank you so much. I hope to see more of your future or other works. But this is by far one of the best stories that I have come across. ♡"

TopazGems - "Hey there! First time commenter here. So I caught up with your story maybe a week and a half ago, but I wanted to comment once you added a new chapter. Amazing work you have here! I mean when you have to pull away and take a moment to think about what you just read, that's when you know a story is good. When you should be taking notes in your sociology class but instead your reading a story on Wattpad, you know it's good! In case the point hasn't been made, 'CLOSER' is really good! Great vocab usage as well! I had to research a word or two but hey you taught me something! haha"

Enolsen - Seriously. Most of the time when a character is in anyway abusive mentally or physically towards another character, it completely kills any kind of romanticized hopes I have for them. But you wrote this book so beautifully that somehow I found myself weirdly understanding where this characters rage was coming from and it had me falling back in love with Henry. That has never happen to me before, that's insane! Touché, you're awesome.

Foreverissurreal - Can I just start off by saying what an AMAZING writer you are. This story has literally twisted my emotions so much as I've read it. I love how you've actually made me able to both love and hate Henry at the same time. Like, GAAHH, it's literally killing me as I read scenes between him and Ally. I gotta say, if in your story we (including Henry) find out that Ally's brother is indeed innocent, I'll end up wanting to chop the crap outta Henry for all the torment and hell he put poor Ally through!!! Keep up the amazing writing, you truly are amazing ~ ❤️xx

electrale123 - "I've spent 4 hours reading your book and here I am on chapter 16. It's soooo hard to find something good to read on wattpad but this book is amazing!!! Your writing is beyond incredible! I've never read a book on here and felt 100% on the way the book was going, the writing, the characters but with your book, I love literally everything!! I'm hooked!! I've never written to someone on wattpad about their book before but wow, I'm so obsessed with this one I had too. Thanks for restoring my faith in wattpad books! you rock!"

pobrecita - Your writing is simply perfect!! I found your stories today and I've literally taken the whole day to finish 'Closer' and start 'Forever'!!! You're a brilliant writer, and I can't wait to see where you take the story!!!

Aphr0dite - Your writing is so soo good. I'm in love with CLOSER it's the first story on wattpad that has made me feel so emotional and having henry as the main character makes it just the best! And you seem really nice too! :)

SugarcubeSangster - I just wanted to say I absolutely love your book! I just read up to your last update in an hour and im hooked! I really admire your writing skills! :)

anibeldragomir - "By the God's you have done something to my brain that I can't comprehend. I've been so enthralled by your publishing's it's painful being cut off like this."

heavyash - "you know you're that deep in a story when you start feeling stressed for the character"

sharika1998 - "My exams are starting from 3rd may but i m more concerned about the next chapter lol"

caytie1025 - "Best story ever. Makes me cry, smile, and laugh all at the same time."

palepinkperriswheel - "Your story is amazing the characters are so complex so wrong to love but so hard to hate, one of the best I've ever read, honestly my face is going to be puffy for days from all the crying but it's so worth it, you're an amazing writer"

agmvjsy - "this. is. perfection."

theblondehemisphere - "I read chapter 20 to 29 in like 2 hours it is 5 am where I live and you left us with the ultimare cliff hanger. I can't right now this is amazing & now I can't sleep"

aRiBelia - "It's currently 5 am, I haven't slept a wink and I'm under my blankets legit in tears because this chapter makes me so happy"

ImperfectAndInsecure - "I've never felt so attached to a story like this"

SugarcubeSangster - "There are no word for my admiration of this book, I love it so much!"

jesusgreen - "This story is getting insanely interesting....its so musterious. I'm literally imagining the scenes. Its like watching an intense film. Achimay you're really good..."

coolcassie - "I had to read this after finishing the previous chapter and wow you know how to write an amazing chapter even though you've left a big cliffhanger. It's crazy how you think the story will follow a certain path and then it starts to go another one.

CamilleLHemmings - I was about to fall into a crying mess. 😂I love your book so much.

thebeautifulhc - OMG. I've read this before going to work. I don't think I can go now I feel so sick in the stomach with worry. But I love it! 😂. I can't wait to find out what is going to happen. Usually I can make up my mind in what direction the story will go but I have no idea with this one.


MariannaTsironi - "Just wanna say two things, I read it in a day, this is freaking amazing!!!!"

RainbowGems18 - "this book deserves so much more recognition it's amazing"

indycav1 - "You're the on we should thank❤️you're truly amazing and this is the only book I have been intrigued by in years so I am looking forward to the next one"

thebeautifulbc - "I just don't know what to say or feel. I feel a little heartbroken that it's the end of this series and I don't know what's to become of Ally and Henry. The only thing I can say is THANK YOU for this wonderful story, have a lovely break and I will be be waiting eagerly for your next series"

chriscollinsfanfic - "your such a good writer you should be an author!!"

Closer (Book 1) Dark Romance | Henry CavillWhere stories live. Discover now