The Kitsune

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 As soon as the light touched the sky the next morning the band of adventurers set out from the city.   A fine mist hung in the air and the smell of fresh bread in the kitchens filled their noses, warm and inviting.  

Dagobert looked towards the willowy elven woman behind him as they walked out of town and said, "Headmaster had said that Dassen was an important stop on our journey but I fear leaving the Torch out where Leska has the possibility of finding it."

Allurah acknowledged him with a nod then replied, " The problem being, Dagobert, that if all the leaders are executed there will be mass chaos and no army to fight against Leska.  So we must journey to the kingdom of Dassen firstly and prevent this if we can.   We may hold the Torch of the Burning Sky, but doing so with no army to fight would be suicide."

From the back of the group came the silky voiced rogue's input.  "Yeah Dags...can't win a war on your ideals alone!", followed by a chuckle.

Ignoring Phelps, Allurah tossed her flaming red hair from her eyes and scanned the trail ahead.  It was a good two days' walk to Dassen and they must not let anything or anyone interrupt their progress.     Torrent spoke as if reading her mind.  "You know P boy, if you could just shut up and walk a bit faster that would be great.  We can't really just dally around here you know."

Phelps laughed outright at the frosty toned water priestess.  "Yeah Torrent, except I had plenty of dalliances during the night!"   Getting under Torrent's skin was almost as much fun as Allurah's, he mused, smirking as she shot him a dirty look.  

"Enough!"  Dagobert called, casting his gaze upon the lightly built Phelps.   Why couldn't he be quiet as Namiid was?  The brute of a man hardly uttered a word as they walked, just took a drink from his flask of mead every now and again.

Phelps only laughed.   Mr. Goody Two Shoes would get what was coming to him someday, he thought, and he'd love to be around to see that.  His eyes flitted ahead to rest on Allurah's slim form.  There was a woman he would love to rile up in more ways that one.  He knew he'd gotten under her skin, and he knew also that he would indeed attract her, one of these days.  

As if she felt the intense gaze upon her, Allurah tossed a look behind her, but stopped as she saw something in the trees.   "Hold!" she cried, bringing the party to a halt.   They all turned, seeking what she'd been alerted by.  Dagobert stepped in front of her, his bulk and strength offering comfort and protection, all at once.  "Who goes there?" he called firmly, his tone suggesting obedience was required. 

From just in the cover of the trees stepped a small, slim man.  He was garbed in a strange silken kimono, which depicted pictures of battle on it in vibrant colors.  Rarely would one find such apparel in this area.   "Why hello one and all!"  He called in the most friendly way; " I am Gennosuke No Sayuki, and I have been looking for your elven leader for quite some time!"

Allurah looked at the man closely.  He looked almost feline in appearance, his bright amber eyes searching hers curiously.  "I am whom you seek, but explain yourself, why have you come?" She asked.    Gennosuke came forward briskly,  with steps so graceful you would have thought he was a cat.  Bowing low before her, his chestnut hair gleamed in the sun as he rose and smiled. "At last I have found you!  And I must speak to you, it is of most urgent need!"

Feeling her senses tingle oddly, Allurah broke contact with his earnest face and looked at Dagobert.  "We hardly have time for this but set up a perimeter so I may speak with this fellow."

Protected by her companions they withdrew some space to speak privately.  Gennosuke smiled and said," My lady Ellaria would be so thrilled to see how beautiful you are"  and Allurah stiffened.  

It was like being hit with a blast of flame as her cheeks heated, her heart rate sped up as she grabbed his arm in the silk kimono and gave him a hard shake.  "Who are you that dares speak the name of my Mother?!" Allurah cried. 

Knowing eyes met hers and Gennosuke did not object to the grip upon him.  "I was your Mother's most trusted companion for many years.  When you were lost to her, she sent me on a quest to find you and become your protector, as there are those out there that would see you dead.  I am Gennosuke No Sayuki of the Wayuki clan of Kitsune and I am fully at your service."

The raw and unending emotions she had kept bottled for so long threatened to breach the stranglehold she kept on them, but Allurah clenched her teeth and said, "Kitsune?  You are a member of the fox people?  Why would you come to me now? and where is my Mother?  Who could want me dead?"

Gennosuke nodded as the cheer left his tone.  Gravely he said, " I am indeed a member of the fox people and I am swift and sure with a bow and arrow.   I come now as danger trails you, danger follows you as you carry the blood of the one Shining One, and a claim that makes you dangerous to him and his own plans. "  Taking a deep breath he said sadly, "Your beloved Mother, I am sad to tell you, lost her own fight for safety.  She made me promise on her deathbed to find you and protect you, no matter the cost.  And I will do that with my life."

Allurah felt the tears on her cheeks, pulled away and turned her face from her fellow travelers.  It was worse than she had ever feared and now, knowing that her mother was gone made that pain so much more unbearable.  Raising brimming eyes to the Kitsune she said, "Gennosuke, tell me, who is this Shining One?  We have faced his ilk already once as we were waylaid previously."

Gennosuke looked at the elf before him, feeling her sorrow and seeing how strongly she fought to hide it and said, "The Shining One is Lord Shaahaledel, the King of Shaahalesti, and he, my mistress, is your father."

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