𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐢.

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"This'll kill him!" Greyson exclaimed. "You have to wait!"

Hershel ignored the young man's cries and hurriedly reached down to grab a scalpel as he hovered over Carl's bloody abdomen. "Rick, Lori, Grey," He soon addressed to the many watchful and tensed figures around him. "You may want to step out."

Rick Grimes was the first to move, and already had one arm around Lori's waist when he reached out with his other to secure it around Greyson's shoulders, trying to make him move, but the latter's feet were frozen to the floor. Would this be the last time that Greyson saw Carl alive? He could not accept that. Not another twelve-year-old, innocent child. Not another Lucy.

Greyson Hunt shook his head frantically and defiantly. "Don't," He begged.  No one had seemed to hear him in those following moments, and his pleading request for life was left in the void of silence. Then, out of nowhere, the quiet of the makeshift bedroom-turned-operating room was harshly shattered by the roaring engine of an approaching truck flying down the dirt driveway. Greyson's feet immediately began to move again at the newfound sound and he quickly pulled back the curtain of the nearby window.  His tensed and trembling body filled with relief at the sight of the blue pickup truck pulling into the yard.  "They're back!" He announced.

Everyone quickly scrambled from the room, leaving Patricia behind to tend on Carl and ensure that he was ready for surgery while the rest went to gather the supplies. A flurry of voices filled Greyson's spiraling head, but he did not focus on a single one.  Making his way down the creaking porch steps, Greyson faltered slightly in the darkness of the night when all he could see was Shane climbing from the vehicle, alone.

"Where's Otis?"

Shane Walsh swallowed weakly, his bloodied face paling over at the mention of the man. The former deputy silently shook his head, giving the many watchful individuals the answer that they needed.  Greyson swallowed stiffly at the realization that Otis truly was was gone, dead when all he had ever wanted to do with clear his name and save a young boy's life.

Hershel Greene's hands clenched into fists at his sides and he looked carefully to every solemn face around him.  He seemed to be at a loss for words, but such silence was not an option right now. "W-We say nothing to Patricia," He finally ordered.  His voice was stern and shaky, all at once. "Not until this is over. I need her now."

And without another word, the old man quickly turned on his heel and disappeared back into the quiet farmhouse with the supplies that Shane had bravely collected.  The supplies that Otis had spilt his own blood for.

Meanwhile, Greyson and several other occupants of the farmhouse remained on the cold and dark lawn, watching as Shane reeled violently and tragically over the recent events of the evening. "They . . . They just kept blockin' us at every turn. We had nothing left. Down to ten rounds," He murmured tightly, a traumatized look in his glassy eyes. "He said . . . He said he'd cover me and that I should keep going, so that's what I did. I kept going. But then I looked back and he . . ." Shane broke off, shaking his head. "I tried, man."

Greyson heard a quiet sob from over his shoulder and he frowned at the sound, unfamiliar with such a cry of agony. Turning around, Greyson's own paled face fell further at the sight of Maggie Greene wrapped tightly in Lori's arms as she cried into the older woman's chest. His heart plummeted at the painful sight, but before he could do anything at all in an attempt to approach them, Maggie then broke away from Lori and sprinted back into the large farmhousehouse, holding a hand to her mouth to prevent another sob from spilling out. Greyson silently watched her go, and he did not even know that he was moving after her until he abruptly stopped beside Rick Grimes.

Greyson Hunt looked up to his leader, unable to stop the bitter and trembling words from slipping out between his chapped lips. "I should've gone with them," He told Rick. "Maybe then Otis would still be alive."  Rick stared back at Greyson's in a frozen disbelief, but the latter refused to meet his gaze again. Instead the young man continued to walk into the house without another look back, merely clasping Glenn on the forearm as he hurriedly went past. Glenn softly returned the gesture, squeezing Greyson's arm warmly and tightly as he disappeared into the house. 

Because of You | Maggie Greene ¹Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora