T H I R T Y | Ø N E

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Got Dirty Thoughts and A Dirty Mind
Following the directions that my phone gave me, I arrived at the local shelter. As I walked in, I saw a girl with straight black hair and pale skin sitting in front of her desk. She seemed maybe a year or two younger than me.

"Um, excuse me?" I cleared my throat so I could get her attention. "Hi, I'm here to look at and maybe even adopt a kitten." I gave her a smile and the only thing she did was stand there, her grey eyes wide.

"Earth to," I paused to look for a name tag. "Ella." She blinked a couple times and smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry I spaced out. If it's not too much to ask, can I uh get a picture?" She looked down at her silver ballet flats, a blush forming in her cheeks. "I'm a huge fan of your work and I also think you and Josh make a really cute couple." I found it really adorable how nervous she was of meeting little old me.

"Of course!" I took a couple steps toward her and posed. She took a couple of pictures and thanked me. "It's no problem!"

"You said that you wanted to see the cats, correct?" I nodded. "Great! Follow me." Ella led me to a room where the cats were held and I started to walk straight through the aisle. "If you find one, don't hesitate to call for me."

"Okay, thanks." She gave me a smiled and left me alone in the room. I looked side to side, smiling whenever I saw a cute cat. I looked to my left and saw what I thought was the cutest kitten ever. It was dark brown with specks of orange fur and its chest was white. The little kitten had dark blue eyes and I was in love.

I looked at the laminated card abd found out that his name is Loki

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I looked at the laminated card abd found out that his name is Loki. I crouched down and put my hand through the little opening.

"Hey there, baby. How are you?" The little kitten hesitantly made his way towards me and snuggled in my open hand. I felt the vibration of his purrs, making me melt at his cuteness.

"Have you found any kitten that you like?" I jumped at sudden voice above me and saw Ella.

"Um yeah. This one."

"Good choice." Ella reached for the keys that dangled from her belt and opened it. Crouching down, she grabbed the kitten and handed it to me. Seeing the little creature snuggle in my arm made me smile so wide.

I followed Ella out of the room and into an office. She pulled out a file with documents in it and began to ask me a bunch of questions about my financial state, lifestyle, and such.

After the interview, she gave me a big smile and looked for a pen. "Congratulations! You have met the necessary requirements to be a pet owner!" She slid the folder to me and gave me a pen. "All you have to do is sign these documents and you can be on your merry way!" She offered me her pen and I began to sign the documents.

"Great! Just so you know, Loki here already got his vaccinations taken care of so all you have to worry about is buying his necessities! I hope you have a lovely time with this little one and please take care of him. He's a special little kitten." Ella scratched behind Loki's ears, causing him scrunch his face a little.

Damaged Kids // Jøsh DunWhere stories live. Discover now