T W E N T Y | S I X

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I Hope You Like the Stars I Stole For You
After Josh and I professed our love for one another, we came back to his apartment. We were being very giddy and lovey-dovey with one another and it felt nice. For once I felt like we were actually in a relationship and not having Josh trying to save me from myself.

It was two in the morning and we were laying on his bed, watching "The Fundamentals of Caring" with a rather large tub of cookies and cream ice cream. I grabbed a spoonful of ice cream and fed it Josh, accidentally getting some on his nose and upper lip.

"Oops, I got some on your lip." I told him. He was about to wipe it away with his shirt, but I stopped him. "Here, I got it." I put my hand on the side of his neck and pulled him closer to my face. I could feel his warm breath on me and eventually, our lips met.

Our lips moved together passionately and in sync. His kiss felt as if he was breathing life into me. It felt brand new. I felt Josh's large hands grip my hips and moved me so I was stradling him.

My hands slid down from his neck to his shoulders, keeping me in place. Josh slightly moved his hands that were on my hips, down to my butt and gently squeezed them. He moved his hands from where they were and slipped them under my shirt, tracing shapes with his fingertips. His movements raised goosebumps on my skin and made me shiver. This whole moment made me drunk and it was a much better high than the one from the other night.

Without my acknowledgment, my tank top was on the ground and so was Josh's shirt. My hands roamed his toned, pale body and rested on his neck again. Out of breath, we pulled away and smiled shyly to one another. Our foreheads rested against each others and I could feel his rapidly beating heart under my palms.

"I'm so in love with you. Always have." Josh whispered to me, his voice deeper than before.

"I am too." I quickly nodded my head and smiled wider than ever. Josh made me feel a whole new different way, and I loved the rush it gave me.

The position we were in did not feel uncomfortable in any way. My head rested on the crook of his neck and Josh slowly slid down on the bed so we were laying down. The room was dark and the only sounds were our breathing and the constant city noises.

"Are you comfortable?" Josh asked after a while. I thought about it and I really wasn't, my lower back was hurting from strain of the position.

"Not really." I chuckled and slid myself off of Josh. "I'm gonna change, okay?" Through the darkness, I could still see Josh nod his head and I slid off my jeans. I heard the small creak of the bed and noticed that Josh had gotten up. I grabbed my black running shorts that were shorter than they should be and Josh's t-shirt that was on top of a spin chair. I put it on and the shirt made it seem like I wasn't wearing anything underneath.

I walked to the bathroom that was connected to Josh's room to brush my teeth, not bothering to check if Josh was in there. The door was unlocked so I did the obvious thing and walked in.

When walked in, Josh was standing in front of the toilet peeing. Josh turned around and his eyes went wider than I had ever seen before. Instead of blushing or feeling awkward, I started to laugh harder than ever. Through the blur from the tears that were glazing my eyes, I could see Josh struggling to get his basketball shorts back up and a look of embarrassment adorned his face.

"Oh God, haha. I'm, I'm so... sorry for... laughing. It's, just, it was so funny." I wiped the tears from under my eyes, not caring if I wiped any makeup off. "Whoo, that was gold." I finally said once I was fully calm. Josh just rolled his eyes and turned to the sink.

"It's not funny, it was embarrassing. You were about to see me fully exposed." His cheeks reddened a bit and began to wash his hands.

"Oh c'mon, I've seen you naked plenty of times before." I argued, wetting my toothbrush.

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