T W E N T Y | N I N E

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Love Me Goodbye
Dedicated to my friend Nessa for naming this chapter.


It really sucked that Josh couldn't wait with me for my plane, so we had to say our goodbyes before I reached security.

"You're gonna be fine, right? You got everything? Your passport, plane ticket, and your keys? You got all that?" I nodded at everything he said and tried to put his mind at ease.

"I have everything, Josh. You got nothing to worry about." I rubbed his neck a little, while my left held on to his right and tried to reassure him. It was funny because it should be the other way around, him reassuring me.

"Please call me when you land. That way I can get some sleep and be sure that you are okay." I smiled at how adorable Josh was being; all concerned over me and my well-being.

"You're adorable." I gushed. I ran my hand up from his neck up to his defined jawline and caressed it with my thumb, the stubble poking the skin.

"I'm gonna miss you." He whispered. Joshua leaned down so our foreheads touched and brought his free arm to my waist and brought me closer.

"I am too. It's gonna be one hell of a six months." It had just hit me that not only would Josh be on the road, but he will be gone for such a long time. Three months of their summer tour, a couple festivals here and there out and inside of the country, then a couple more months for the upcoming year.

I didn't know how the hell I was supposed to deal with not seeing Josh for that much time. I couldn't help but think about what had happened with Adam and I's relationship. It was because of touring that we broke up, I didn't want that to happen between Josh and I. I couldn't lose him, not again.

"I know baby, I know. It'll be okay though, we'll make it work. I promise." Josh let go of my hand and brought it up to my cheek, wiping away a stray tear. "You can always come and visit us out on the road."

"Okay," I whispered. "We'll make it work." I tried to smile, but it ended up failing. The all-too familiar ache in my throat was creeping its way back up, just waiting to be released.

"I love you Lydia, so so much." Josh slid his hand down from my cheek to my neck so I was looking up at him.

"I love you too, Joshua. More than you'll ever know." With those last few words falling from my lips, Josh brought his lips down to mine and we kissed for what seemed like an eternity. It only felt that way and I wish that it was.

"I gotta get going, or I'll miss my flight." Instead of moving, Josh and I stayed in the same exact position.

"Okay. Text or facetime me when you land." I nodded and gave him one last kiss.

"I will, but I have android." I said, waving my LG at him.

"Just Skype me." He playfully rolled his eyes at me, a smile still on his lips. "Love you."

"Diddo." I waved my hand up high in the air as I said this, walking away.

I looked back and saw that he was there, waiting for me to be drowned by the sea of people. He blew me one last kiss and walked away. I blushed and walked to security all giddy.

Pretty short chapter. Only 656 words, which is pretty low for me. Anyways, I'll try to update another chapter today or tomorrow and I'll make it longer. I just didnt feel like writing a plane ride scene. I hope you guys liked it and feedback is appreciated.


Damaged Kids // Jøsh Dunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن