E I G H | T E E N

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You're Just A Daydream Away


"Miss, miss." I felt someone shake me and I stirred a little. "Miss, the plane is about to take off." A man with a British accent said.

When I opened my eyes, the bright light burned and I had to blink to get used to it. "Hmm? Oh, thank you." I sat up straight and rubbed my face.

"No problem." The man gave me a polite smile and walked away. I let out a sigh and got up, my back popping. I grabbed my carry-on, along with my important paperwork and made my way to the semi long line.

I thought back to my dream, wishing that it was real. I looked around, hoping to see Josh's coloured hair, but was disappointed. I let out a sigh, and continued to walk. I finally got inside the plane and put my carry-on above me. I took out my IPod along with my earbuds and put them in. I rested my head on the head rest and began to nod off. It was still pretty early, but I was feeling drained. I turned up the volume and fell asleep.


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We will be landing in Columbus, Ohio in a very few short minutes, so please fasten your seat-belts. Thank you for choosing American Airlines." I sighed and did as he asked. The turbulence hit and I gripped the armrest. I wasn't afraid of flying, is just the turbulence gave me anxiety.

Once the wheels of the airplane met the ground, I loosened my grip on the armrest and relaxed a little, letting out a huge breath. The plane eventually came to a halt and soon enough, everyone started filing out. I took my time and eventually I was back on the ground and waited for the carousel to bring out my luggage. As I waited, I decided to call Emmy.

"Hello?" She answered on the second ring.

"Hey Emmy, what's up?" My voice sounded hoarse and less happy than Emmy's voice.

"So you finally decided to call me. How's Europe treating ya?" I could tell she was joking by the she was talking. She knew I didn't have service over there.

"Europe treated me pretty great, the first three days..." My voice faltered, indicating that something happened.

"Oh no, what happened?" Whatever happiness was in her voice left and only concern laced it.

"It's stupid. Josh and I broke up because there was a slight chance that I still had feelings for Adam, but that's not true because I realized who I really wanted to be with and that person is not Adam. I left the tour and Josh because I felt awkward being there and I was not ready to leave Columbus last minute." I held back a sob, thinking about how stupid this whole thing was.

"Are you at the airport?" Emmy asked after a couple moments of silence. I nodded then remembered that she wasn't with me.

"Yeah, can you pick me up?" I asked.

"I'll be there in a little bit." I heard some shuffling around and then a door slam.

"Great. I'll wait for you outside." I hung up and put my phone in my back pocket.


Josh's P.O.V

Tyler and I were walking to the bus after sound check when Adam was making his way towards us. I felt some resentment towards him; he was the reason that I broke my relationship after being with her for five hours. He was the reason that Lydia had been questioning her feelings towards Adam and me.

"What do you want?" I angrily spat once he was close enough to hear me.

"Lydia left. Josh, I apologize for what I did yesterday. It was unfair, especially to Lydia. Trust me man, she's so heartbroken. I know she can be too much sometimes, especially when she's been out drinking; but you, out of anyone, knows well enough that she would never hurt someone like that. I regret letting her go, but you have the chance at getting back with her, don't waste it. You're lucky that she's willing to give you a third chance." I held on to every word that he said and before I could even react, he left. I ran to the bus and stormed in. There was a piece of paper on the counter with Lydia's handwriting.

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