Chapter 16

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It had been six days since you were buried, six days since the light in Sebastian's life had been extinguished. The thing that hurt him most was he was the one to end your beautiful existence. In all of Sebastian's immortal life, never had he grieved for the dead as he did for you. He always kept the little wallet that you had kept with you in his breast pocket, he refused for it to be anywhere else.

"My dear (Y/N).... I'm sorry for what I've done.... I didn't protect you... And I... I killed you and that is inexcusable.. Unforgivable..." Sebastian whispered to the small picture of you that had been in your wallet. Sebastian held it close to his heart before putting it back into his pocket and getting started for the day ahead.

"Wake up, young master.... You have dance lessons in 3 hours." Sebastian said, opening the curtains and beginning to dress Ciel before giving him his morning tea.

"Alright..." Ciel said acknowledgingly. Sebastian remade the bed and turned back to Ciel.

"Where's your fake smile and cocky attitude?" Ciel asked, putting a hand on his hip.

"Oh  I see..." He said, matter-of-factly.
"You where in love with (Y/N)... Weren't you?" Ciel smirked, looking at Sebastian sadly.

"Young master, I have no idea if what I feel is love...." Sebastian explained simply, opening the door for his master.

They entered the kitchen, Ciel sitting at the table before Sebastian brought him breakfast. Ciel stared up at Sebastian who was lost in thought.

"Sebastian I need...." Ciel said, noticing Sebastian wasn't paying attention.

"We all miss her.... So quit your bloody moping around!" Ciel yelled and slapped Sebastian. Sebastian reeled with a shocked look on his face.

"I finally found anyone who resembled real family and she's dead! By my own command! I still have to act like an Earl, SO QUIT YOUR BLOODY MOPING AND ACT LIKE A BUTLER!" Ciel growled.

"Yes my lord... Sincerest apologies..." Sebastian kneeled, bowing his head. Ciel sat down before finishing his breakfast and going to his lessons.

By the end of the day Sebastian's will to serve was almost gone. As Sebastian laid there he started to hear a voice.


"(Y/N).... Please don't torture me so..." Sebastian begged, gripping his breast pocket and clamping his eyes shut against tears.

"Please don't blame yourself..." You begged of him.

"I killed you, (Y/N)!.... Im so sorry..." Sebastian cried.

"Please open your eyes..." You asked him. He opened his eyes and saw you, floating with two brilliant angel wings protruding from your back.

"(Y-Y/N)... Y-You're an... Angel." Sebastian said, crying even harder. You moved down to him, your cat ear slowly regrowing.

"Please do not cry... I'm here..." You cooed, gently placing your hand on his cheek. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into a kiss. You flinched at first, but slowly kissed him back, your lips locking. Sebastian pulled back and sat up, keeping you in his arms.

"I love you, (Y/N)... Please don't leave me again..." Sebastian begged, his voice scared and honest. You cried into his chest, before looking up at him and smiling through tears.

"A maid who can't rise from the grave... Isn't worth her salt."

I Won't Tell (Reader X Sebastian)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя