Chapter 10

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(The picture is as close as I could get to Y/N's new eyes)

You opened your eyes doing your best to focus. You took a sharp breathe in, unable to see besides the almost pure white. You heard a monitor's electronic beeping.

"S-Seb...." You mumbled, feeling someone take your hand. You tried to focus on the figure, unable to see anything clearly.

"Seb?" You asked, too weak to make his full name.

"No... Dear (Y/N)... I am Ash." The male said with a voice as smooth as silk. Something about his voice sent you on edge. You weakly shook his hand off, gathering all your strength.

"S-Sebast-!" You yelled, cut off by a rough slap. Your head whipped to the left as tears sprang to your eyes.

"Nuh uh uh...." He chimed, "That disgusting abomination won't be helping you this time..." His voice said as his voice lost its silky tone.

"Sebastian!" You managed to yell, just for the male to rip out an IV in your right arm, making you yell out in pain. You yelped as he grabbed you and opened a window, throwing you through it. You cried out as wind hit your face, you were falling. Suddenly you landed in two strong arms, black clouding your vision.

"Leave her alone Ash... She is nothing of use to you." Sebastian's voice rang out. You tightened yourself against his chest, shaking in fear.

"You and I both know what she is..... She's a demon hybrid.... She needs to be eviscerated." Ash declared coldly.

"You're both abominations that need to be cleansed." Ask said, a manic hint to his voice. Sebastian pulled you off of him, setting you under a bench.

"Just stay here.... I'll fix your eyes when I'm done.... If they fix themselves... You mustn't look at me." He directed. You nodded and pulled your knees to your chest, still unable to see. Sebastian turned from you and to the lavender eyed angel.

"Now I say this for the second time. She is of no use to you... As ghastly and unsightly as her origin may be... I won't allow you to hurt her." Sebastian growled, his footsteps thudding in the dirt. Black completely clouded your vision as you heard a sickening tearing noise. You covered your ears but were unable to block out the sound of screaming. Tears cascaded down your face as you heard the sounds of bones snapping.

"Don't cry little (Y/N)... It'll be over soon." Sebastian assured you, followed by another scream. You tucked your head into your knees, fear gripping you like a noose. Another loud scream was heard and then nothing. Suddenly you were picked up, making you yelp quietly.

"Sh sh sh.... It's just me, (Y/N)..." Sebastian cooed softly. You attempted to look up at him, your vision still completely blurred.

"Please close your eyes..." Sebastian continued to coo. You nodded, letting your eyelids slip over your eyes. You felt his soft, dastardly lips against each of your eyes.

"You may open them now...." Sebastian whispered. You open your eyes, able to see perfectly, even better than before.

"W-what?" You asked, confused. Your eyes land on various objects around you, observing them with great detail.

"It seems as if your cat eyes have changed shape.... And color..." Sebastian commented, setting you down once more. You quickly scampered to a window, examining your eyes. They where completely purple, aside from your pupils that where slits of black.

"Woah..." You said as Sebastian turned you around, looking into your now purple pearls.

"They.... Make you so beautiful..." He cooed softly, moving his head down. His lips were barley touching yours, making your face heat up. You decided take a leap and press your lips to his, earning a slight jump before he carefully wrapped his arms around you. His kiss was filled with passion and lust, yet it was all controlled under lock and key. You pulled back and hugged him tightly.

"Please.... Promise me you won't hurt me like all those people have..." You begged, a tear silently falling down your cheek.

"I wont...." He promised, kissing your cheek tenderly.

"But now you know what I am...... Can you still want me?" You asked, slight fear in your voice.

"Yes.... Of course I can..... Your father was a demon panther, kind of like Pluto, only a feline.... You mother was a human.... They fell in love and made you...." Sebastian explained, much to your surprise.

"And that is beautiful all itself." Sebastian finished gently.  You nodded and snuggled him, feeling safe from your own demons.

I Won't Tell (Reader X Sebastian)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora