Chapter 5

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"My Lady.... Can I get you a disk of milk?" Sebastian pestered you. Ignoring him you continued watching the ceiling.

"My Lady, please.... You haven't had a bite in over a day.." He begged, sounding truly concerned. He had been getting more and more persistent in taking care of you. He treated you like a pet.

"I will walk to the kitchen and eat." You finally declared. Sebastian sighed as you stood up. In under a second you were being carried bridal style down the hallway.

"You bloody tosser!" You cursed in a slightly British accent. Sebastian seemed amused by this, keeping a straight face. You instantly clamped your mouth shut.

"You dirty wanker." He replied simply. You smiled softly, letting him carry you. When you arrived at the kitchen he sat you down in a chair, telling you to wait.

Finni walked in, turning his attention to you. Blood suddenly pouring out from his nose.

"Finni!" You called worriedly. He pointed to you and you looked down, realizing you were half naked. Your face turned as crimson as Sebastian's eyes, trying to cover your bruises.

"S-Sebastian!... Take me back to my room!" You called and Sebastian returned and picked you up. He walked back to your room, setting you down in your bed.

"Finni saw me in my kit!" You yelled, hiding your face. Sebastian pet your head.

"You should sleep, relax a bit." He suggested. He handed you a small plate that held a sandwich, the crust cut off.
   "Thank you." You praised, wolfing it down. Sebastian only nodded as you finished it, laying back down in your bed. As a Neko you enjoyed sleeping much more than any normal human. You snuggled into your pillow, yawning softly. After a few minutes, you were sound asleep once more.

Sebastian watched you sleep, gazing at your small form.

Haha.... I could make her beg.... I could force her to call me master... Could make her scream and take what I want when I want.... Even force her to let me in.... All it would take is to let my demon take hold of me.... But I don't want to do that... Because.... I dont know.... I just couldn't... He thought, slowly moving to stand beside the bed. He gently ran his fingers over your bare stomach, watching you tense slightly. He quickly pulled his hand away, his eyes glowing a deep pink. Sebastian shook his head and pushed the thought away.

I Won't Tell (Reader X Sebastian)Where stories live. Discover now