Chapter 9

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Two Days Later

Sebastian carried your feverish form back to your room. You were too disoriented to put up a fight as he began changing you into nightclothes. He noticed the edge of the bandage coming from under your panties. He slowly slid them over your thigh to reveal the full bandage, bloody and ragged. He slowly unwrapped it.

"N-no... Stop..... Don't look at those..." You begged quietly as he gazed upon the cuts embedded into your flesh. He dropped the bandage and gently ran his hand over them, two days old. Sebastian looked to you, his emotions unreadable. He undressed you completely and ran a bath, letting you wrap yourself in a towel. He seemed cold and robotic the way he helped you.

"Im sorry." You finally said, breaking the silence.

"I never meant for you to see those." You admitted, running a hand down your tail to clean it. He grabbed your hand and began to wash you, stopping when he reached your ears. He gently washed them off.

I can't hurt her. He thought to himself, forcing himself not to pet you. He rinsed you off before lifting you out of the tub, you blushing deeply. You suddenly began to cough violently.

"I'm not that sick... Let me walk." You protested weakly. Sebastian shook his head and dressed you, laying you in your bed. You crawled under the covers as he went to get you a glass of water.

You started sweating, slowly stripping into your long panties and bra. You climbed over the covers before finally relaxing. You paid no mind as you heard the door open and close.

"Why must you tease me~?" You heard Sebastian's voice from next to you. You opened your eyes to meet Sebastian's ruby stare.

"What...?" You asked as he slowly moves on top of you, laying his head on your neck, taking slow breathes.

"You know how hard it is to hold myself back~?" He whispered almost against your skin. You shivered before moving away slightly. Sebastian set your glass down before lightly looking over you, smirking widely. You shrank back slightly before he kissed your top lip. You make a soft noise as his hand gently slid down your tail.

"Please...." You begged quietly.

"Please what, (Y/N)~?" He whispered, kissing your neck. Your breath hitched before you moved away again.

"I don't want to do this.... Lets just be friends.." You whimpered quietly. He moveed away from you, his eyes returning to normal before he kissed you deeply, setting your body ablaze with passion. He pulled back and stares into (Y/C) eyes.

"Don't ever say you just want to he friends.... I have plenty of those... And I don't like to be lied to~." He whispered seductively and moved away from you. You let out a shaky breath, your heart pounding in your chest. He smirked and bowed, exiting the room. You panted as you sat up, sweat still forming on your brow. You wiped it off, doing your best to keep in a sitting position.

"What.... The hell..." You panted before coughing violently. You panted harder as you lay back on the pillow.

You wake up a couple hours later, not remembering when you fell asleep. All you know is you were burning up, your body sweating profusely. You bolted upright and heaved, throwing up what little food you had in your stomach. You stand up, wobbling to the bathroom as you hear your bedroom door open. You go to heave again as your hair is held up behind your head.

"My dear little, (Y/N)... Why didn't you call for me?" Sebastian's voice emitted from behind you. You heaved again, tears streaming down your face. You coughed violently and layed backwards, Sebastian catching you in his arms. You began to drift off, snapping awake in an effort not to sleep.

"Shhh.... Its alright...." Sebastian cooed, letting you fall into unconsciousness.

I Won't Tell (Reader X Sebastian)Where stories live. Discover now