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 "How did you get down here?" Erik asked. "How could you possibly find your way?"
 "Oh, I never got to tell you: I have been living here for the past six years, waiting for you. I knew you would come tonight, so I came here to greet you. Come." Amir held out his hand. "Join me. Let me take you to your old home, the one you loved so dearly."
 Erik took Amir's hand and let him help him into the boat. As Amir rowed, Erik reached into his coat to be sure the knife he'd taken was still there. He didn't trust Amir for one moment.
 But Erik's heart filled with a strange delight when they arrived at the home on the lake. After sixteen years, it still looked the same.

 "I have cared for it," Amir said when he saw Erik's smile. "Just for you." He helped Erik up out of the boat. "Look around. Everything should be the same."
 Erik walked up the organ. "Does it still play?"
 "It should. Play as much as you like, my dear."

 Erik sat down at the organ and began to play. Memories came flooding back of all the times he'd sat here at this instrument, playing or writing something or just thinking. He had forgotten how good it made him feel. He didn't how long he played for, but it felt like a long time. When he stopped and looked up, Amir was standing there looking amused.
 "I knew you would be happy to return," he said. "Come with me." He began to pull Erik away from the organ.

 "But that's where my bed used to be," said Erik.

 "Exactly." Amir pulled him into a kiss, and Erik pushed him away. "What is it, my dear? That is what you came for, is it not? To be with me. Your son is a man now, and you don't need that fop Raoul in your life."
 "You threatened both of them," Erik said. "They are the only two people in the world who mean anything to me. You killed Madame Giry and her daughter, you threatened to strangle Raoul, and then you threatened to murder my son unless he agreed to convince me he doesn't need me anymore!"
 "Those were all necessary measures, I assure you. Do not tell me you have never been bored living in the home of that fool. He has no idea how fortunate he is to have you. But I do. You and I are the same, Erik. I knew what it was like to be abused and unloved. That is why we understand each other." 

 "I do not understand you." Erik stepped further away. "I have done horrible things, but I have regretted them and learned from them. You never did. You're just as cruel and vicious as you were the day I met you." He reached into his coat. "You threatened my son. To me, that is unforgivable. So tonight, I am not your darling Erik--I am the Angel of Death." 
 He lunged at Amir, knife in hand. But Amir was ready for him. He grabbed Erik by the neck with both hands and pushed him against the wall. The knife dropped from Erik's hand. 
 "You have called yourself many things, my dear," Amir said, "But you are no angel. You are as much of a demon as I am. I thought you might try to kill me. I knew you would have a weapon." 
 Amir began to drag Erik towards the bed, with Erik struggling and screaming the entire way.

 "No one is going to hear you!" Amir shouted. "No one dares enter this place anymore because of you."


 He spied a rope hanging from Amir's belt, the Punjab Lasso. He lunged for it and pulled it out of Amir's belt and attempted to get it over his head. But the Persian was faster, and tore it out of Erik's hand, then cupped his hand over Erik's mouth to muffle his screams. 
 "If you do not stop," he said into Erik's ear, "I will knock you unconscious and take you somewhere far away from here. You will certainly never see your precious boy again. Now, I will make you mine. You may not believe this, but I do love you, Erik. I want you to be mine."

 Erik stopped screaming, but was still struggling to get away.

 Then Amir let out a horrid cry of pain. His grip on Erik loosened, and he quickly ran from his grasp. Amir stood, eyes widened with shock. Erik could see blood quickly staining his shirt. Then Amir collapsed on the ground.

 He was dead. And standing over his body was Raoul, bloody sword in hand.
 He looked up at Erik and said, "You know, I'm not quite as stupid as you seem think I am."

Phantom's Journey (Phantom of the Opera/Love Never Dies)Where stories live. Discover now