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 Erik woke up the next morning with a sick feeling in his stomach. He sat up, looked around, and realized he was in the wrong bedroom. He quickly got up and went to his own room-and found Raoul fast asleep in his bed.
 "Get up, Chagny." Erik tugged at the blanket, but Raoul stayed asleep. "Wake up, would you!" He sighed in frustration. Then he picked up one of the shoes on the floor and threw it the sleeping figure in the bed as hard as he could.
 "Ow!" came as a muffled cry from the bed. Raoul sat up and looked at Erik as if he completely lost his mind. "What did you do that for?"

 "Why are you in my bed?" Erik demanded.

 "Because you were in my bed."

 "Why didn't you tell me?"
 "You were already sleeping, and I was not about to risk waking you up. How do I know you're not planning to kill me?"

 "And how do I know you are not planning the same to me?" Erik paused for a quick moment. "Actually, I have just realized you are probably too stupid for that. You would hand me to the police and let them handle it, wouldn't you?"

 There was a long silence while Raoul pulled on his shoes and Erik took a few deep breaths.
 "Are you hungry?" Erik suddenly asked.
 Raoul gave him a strange look. "Yes. Why?"
 "I am going to make breakfast. I need something to do."
 Gustave went down to the dining room to see if either of his fathers were awake yet. Raoul was sitting in the dining room staring off into space.
 "Good morning," he said. "Where's Father?"
 "Cooking breakfast, apparently. How are you, my boy? I know we haven't....talked much since we lost your mother. Erik and I are both worried about you, even he and I have not really spoken about it to each other."

 "I heard you talking the night we spent at the inn," Gustave said. "You were talking about a bet you had made, about Mother. Do you really owe a lot of people money?" 
 His stepfather looked a bit embarrassed. "Er, yes, I do. And about the other matter. Christine and I were childhood friends, and fell in love when we grew up. She...knew your father, and he was in love with her as well. But she and I were to be married, and after we were married, he left France and went to New York."
 "But then how was I born?" Gustave asked. "How is he my father and not you?" 
 Raoul didn't seem to know what to say. "Well, your mother had some uncertain feelings about both of us, me and Erik. I can only guess she was too afraid to tell me the truth."
 They both heard a clatter in the doorway. Erik slowly entered the dining room balancing two trays, one bearing food and the other a teapot and cups.
 "Good morning, Gustave," Erik set the trays on the table. "Is anyone hungry? I made breakfast." 
 "Are you going to eat anything?" Gustave asked.

 "No. I am not hungry. You I see you've cleaned yourself up, Chagny."

 "Yes." Raoul cleared his throat. "I think I should drink less from now on. I do not want another night like last night."
 "Neither do I," Erik replied.
 "And perhaps we should, er, sleep in our own beds from now on."
 Erik actually gave a small smile at that. "Yes, I think we should."
 Gustave smiled, too. He wasn't sure what they were talking about, but both of his fathers hardly ever smiled; it was a happy thing to see.

 "I...am going back upstairs." Erik put a hand to his forehead. "I don't feel well."

 "Wait a moment." Raoul followed him into the hallway. "I remember what happened last night, and I am sorry for being so harsh when you are still mourning Christine. I am mourning her, too."
 "I know how you feel." Erik put his hands on Raoul's shoulders. "I feel the same sadness and guilt as you. I still despise you, but for now we have to get along for Gustave. He cares for us both." He turned away and began to ascend the stairs. 

 Raoul spent most of the day thinking about how he could get the money he needed to pay off his debts. It was not working very well. He thought about going out for a walk, but he did not want to have the feeling of people staring at him or risk running into someone he owed money to.
 Eventually he grew hungry and realized it was near suppertime. Now he really wished he had some idea how to cook. He could ask Erik, but he had said he wasn't feeling well.
 Come to think of it, where was Erik? Raoul had seen Gustave in the library earlier, but no sign of Erik since that conversation in the hallway.

 Perhaps I should see how he is, Raoul thought. He did say he felt ill. 
He went upstairs and knocked on the door to Erik's room. "Erik?"
 No answer.
 Raoul knocked again. "Are you feeling any better? You did say you were feeling poorly."
 "Erik, are you in there?"
 Surely if he was asleep, he would have been woken up. Raoul gave up and opened the door.
 "Erik?" He looked down. "Oh."
 Erik was lying unconscious on the floor. He must have fainted. Raoul felt for a pulse and then placed his hand gently on his forehead.
 Raoul turned around. Gustave was standing in the doorway, looking down at Erik.
 "Stay with him, Gustave," Raoul said. "I will get a doctor. He's fainted and he has a fever."

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