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A/N: This chapter is a first-person narrative from Erik's point of view. After this, the story will return to third-person. 

 I was born fifty-two years ago to a mother and father who were horrified by what they saw when I was born. My first gift from them was a mask. Neither of them touched me more than they needed to. I was usually locked away in my room. When I was eleven, I ran away.
 After a few days of traveling on my own, I met a band of Gypsies. I joined them and was able to make some money by displaying my face at fairs. That was where I learned music and magic. After five years, I fled them as well. For three years I traveled on my own, performing magic tricks and singing for whatever money and food I could get.

 At the age of nineteen, I arrived in the Persian capital. Word passed through the city of a young man who sang like an angel and performed magic tricks in the streets. When the Sultan heard of this, he demanded I be found and brought to him. He was pleased with my talents, and invited to stay at his palace, where I became a court favorite. I stayed for three years.
 I was also skilled in architectural design. That was why the Sultan chose me to build a secret palace where he could hide his treasure. And so that I would never tell its location, he ordered my death. I had a friend who helped me escape. I left and never looked back.

 After my escape, I returned to France and came to Paris. I found an underground space under the Opera Populaire that made a good home. I transformed myself into the Opera Ghost, who played cruel tricks on the performers and stagehands and demanded money from the managers.
 There was one young dancer I took great interest in. Her name was Christine Daae. She was an orphan, and when her father was dying he told her that he would someday send her the Angel of Music. I pretended to be that Angel of Music, and kept my true identity a secret.
 One night, the Prima Donna was...unable to perform. When she showed her skills, Christine was chosen to sing instead. Her performance was greeted with great enthusiasm from the audience.
 That was the night I first took her down to my home, intending to keep her there forever. But she took off my mask and saw my face. I was furious, she frightened. I let her go, but meant to take her back someday.
 But another man had come into her life: her childhood friend, Raoul Chagny. They fancied themselves in love, and I was left alone. But I had plans for the future.
 I kidnapped Christine one night during a performance, and Raoul came to rescue her, as I knew he would. I gave her a choice: stay with me forever, or watch her lover die. But...I let them go. She showed me kindness, and I saw how wrong it was.

 I was alone and miserable for some time. Then, on the night before her wedding to Raoul, Christine came to me and told me she loved me and wanted to be with me. That was the happiest night of my life.

 Then I awoke the next morning and realized I was not good enough for her. She deserved so much more than what I could give her. So I left her. I left France for what I thought would be forever.


 I went to New York. Coney Island. I opened Phantasma. Joining me there was my friend Madame Giry and her annoying daughter Meg. For ten years, I yearned for Christine, realizing what a horrible mistake I had made. So I tricked her into coming to New York, letting her think she would be performing at an Opera House. Her husband had a lot of gambling debts that needed to be paid. They needed money. Of course she was upset and furious when she learned I had tricked her, but I offered her all the money the family needed, and threatened her son when I learned she had one.
 I was curious about the child. I had him brought to me, and realized we were almost the same. I confronted Christine, and she confessed he was my son. 

 That changed everything.
 I knew I had to keep Christine and the boy with me. I visited a rather drunk Raoul at a local tavern and proposed a bet. If she chose to sing, Christine and our son would stay with me and Raoul would have to leave forever. If she refused, I would pay the idiot's debts, and all the three could happily return to France. We agreed, each one of us confident he would win.
 Christine sang that night. We were happy. But our son disappeared. He was taken by Meg Giry, who was going to drown him. Then she attempted to shoot herself. She was overcome with jealously that I was obsessed with Christine and had paid her hardly any attention. I attempted to take the gun from her, but it went off, and Christine was fatally wounded. I stayed with her in her final moments before she died. 
 The next night, I burned Phantasma to the ground. I left America in the company of my son and the man who had been my rival for Christine's love. To start a new chapter in my life. 

 That is my story, Gustave.

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