Waking up... on a couch?

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You woke up hours later, under a wool blanket and your book bag next to your feet. You rubbed the back of your head and shook your head. "Hey kiddo." Papyrus greeted, you waved and swung your legs off the couch. You grumbled and rubbed your head, Sans walked in to check on you. "AH, HUMAN YOU'RE AWAKE." Sans said, you smiled and felt your eyes glowing.

You panted as Sans rushed over to your side, "Woah, what's wrong with the kid?" Papyrus asked, Sans growled and made you lay down again. "PAPYRUS, GET UNDYNE HERE NOW." Sans ordered, Papyrus shrugged and walked out of the house. You panted as Sans putted an ice pack on your forehead.

"My.. chest.. hurts.." You whimpered, Sans had to keep pushing you down. "JUST. LAY. DOWN." Sans growled, pushing you down for the 5th time. "It... ACK!" You whimpered as the flame around your eyes burned. Sans rubbed your forehead, which calmed you down a little.

"IT'S OK. IT'S OK." Sans whispered, you tried to breath as Sans saw the red flame going blue for a second. "Undyne isn't there M'Lord." Sans yelped quietly and glared at Papyrus. "PAPYRUS! KNOCK OR SOMETHING!" Sans growled, Papyrus shrugged but, heard you laughing a bit.

"Ha... ha... ha... Y-you flintched..." You wheezed out, Sans smiled and placed his teeth on your forehead. Papyrus smiled and walked up to his room, knowing that Sans had feelings for a human. "I GUESS I DID HUMAN." Sans admitted, you smiled and laid on your side, facing the skeleton.

"I think my DETERMINATION really hates me today..." You said with a smile. Sans smile shrank as he sat with his back against his couch. "S-sans... are you ok..?" You asked worridly, putting your hand on his shoulder. "I... WAS THINKING... IF YOU HAVE TO MUCH DETERMINATION... COULD WE TAKE SOME OUT?" Sans asked, you looked down as Sans thought on it more.

"Maybe... I-I don't know really..." You admitted, your eyes stopped glowing as you kissed Sans' cheek bone. He flintched and his cheek bones went bright blue in a second. "It's an idea I want to sleep on." You grumbled before falling asleep with the red flame under your eyes. Sans looked over at you and smiled, he placed a small kiss on your lips before going to his room. "Well well well..." Papyrus purred, leaning against the railing. "SHUT UP PAPYRUS." Sans growled.

SwapFell! Sans x Shy/Scared! ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang